Israel and the global Islamic community are hardly on friendly terms. Are you really surprised?

‘No ADHD anywhere’.

As an ADHD child who started primary in 1990, I’d like a word.

And yet I’d be over the moon if my wife came in dressed like catwoman!

My radio is digital. I just poke the buttons with my finger. I assume that’s no better?

Why are you so concerned about the question?

It was a legitimate question about reports of antisemitism.

Do you often try to reframe the questions of others?

It’s not that I don’t have skepticism for the Muslim side.

It’s pretty rare for any Muslim ‘authority’ to claim an increase in violence against muslims.

Meanwhile, we frequently hear about an ‘increase in antisemitism’ which might be quoted as a percentage, but without any real background. How common was it before, and what form does it take?

I’m at a point in my life where I question most things I hear or see in the media. It’s taken me all too long to understand that most outlets have an agenda, and lean one way or another. I’d like to trust, but verify.

No hate at all from this end. Christian guy here in Aus and how you ‘identify’ is up to you.

I own a small business with an office. One of our team identifies as trans. Just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean I’m setting out to make your life difficult.

We use universal pronouns in our office (e.g ‘they’) to avoid presuming for anyone and getting it wrong. Single bathroom that is gender neutral.

We love our neutral teammate and will support them where we can. Like I said I personally don’t understand it nor is it my jam, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be respectful.

Alternative option:

Suggest after takeoff that all passengers recline their seat simultaneously.

Would love to see the data on this.

As in - the info on the actual incidents themselves. We often hear about ‘an increase in antisemetic events.

Where can I find more about these?

Perthite here.

Having travelled pretty extensively to both, I’d much prefer to live in Melbourne.

Property prices are a smidge easier to bear, and the people are much warmer. Plus it’s a beautiful city.

Sydney to me feels very ‘glitz and glamour’ around the entertainment areas such as Darling Harbour which is easy to get caught up in, but that’s not representative of the wider metro area.

Citrix is excellent. Several years back I managed an environment in Australia for about 2000 user devices.

A single portal from which my users can access published applications over the network. Whether they’re internal or at home, they get the same experience.

Our SOE was much simpler. Rather than needing deploy a bunch of enterprise and clinical apps to each desktop, it’s just to a collection of servers (virtual machines) in our datacentre.

Applications also perform much better when the distance between the app and the database is minimised.

All that said - most of the benefits around Citrix are for your IT Dept, not your users.

  1. Easier and cheaper application upgrades.
  2. Better performance means less complaints.
  3. Less WAN bandwidth used opposed to running the app locally on the machine.
  4. Simpler SOE.

It’s not cheap, but when I’ve deployed it the business case is usually pretty clear cut. And provided it’s configured right, the user experience should be solid.

Truth be told, I’m not sure Citrix is about making

Couple of things here.

$160k would be great if you were both earning an income. (Eg earning $160k each). But you’re not. The economy has really transitioned to both members of the couple being in the workforce and earning a wage

Car payments are killer. You’re paying for the privilege of driving around something shiny. As others have suggested you are better off financially of picking up something older!

Powershift was everywhere.

They came to Australia too. There was also a class action here similar to that in the US.

Love my Everest!

I have the 2021 (old curvier shape) and it’s brilliant.

Just memory really.

1300 is 1pm

1500 is 3pm

2000 is 8pm

Used to hate 24 hour clocks as a kid. If I’m honest I probably prefer them now.

What suburb are you in? Do you have NBN ‘proper’, or is there some third party (Opticomm) that services your premises?

Almost any RSP is going to get you a better result than More. If you’re not too fussed about phone support try Superloop, otherwise Leaptel.

OP is rural. Likely fixed wireless, sat, or FTTN