At least half of this sub hopes he does in some form of personal political revenge fantasy or accelerationist delusions

Except that’s not true at all.

Policies passed by both parties are incredibly different. And more importantly Supreme Court justices are vastly different. Every abhorrent ruling has been Republican appointed justices including multiple justices who were personally vetted and submitted by the Federalist scumbags. Look at the Supreme Court rulings & read the rulings and dissents. They aren’t even close to “tHeY aRe aLl tHe SaMe.”

People look at policies actually passed & neither party has held the majorities in the congress, senate, and presidency for very long in a long time. And even when either party has, they both have members of their party (inevitable in a country this big and diverse) not on board with sweeping changes.

We live (mostly) in split party rule & while both parties abstract the other (for good and bad reasons), Republicans have made it their duty for decades to pass 0 things Democrats want when they are in power, because they know Americans are too stupid to blame them & instead share videos like this.

I would bet almost anything this dude is not an “Ivy League” grad. Dude’s a self important schmuck in a dumbass hat.

Look at his username. Obvious paid troll. Defending Christian theocracy while LARPing as a “leftist” who is defending Palestinians.

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

Yea we all were thwarted of our trillions by trades we didn’t make and reality that didn’t pan out.

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

He lost $20 million in imaginary money of him rolling perfect options buy and sells into other options buy and sells if just reality matched his bets. He was wrong on every investment choice he’s ever made.

Except he didn’t outside of your delusional incest fantasy. Stop jerking off to degenerate porn & actually read the court documents that detail Trump raping a child with Epstein.

You chuds wouldn’t shut up about Epstein & how the documents need to be released until your god emperor was all over them… now crickets.

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

“When I’m down I look at a photo of the billionaire who sold BBBY for millions in profit while I told people he didn’t, to keep buying, and that bankruptcy is off the table.”

Bullshit. The vast majority of British media in any form is showing her as extremely guilty. I’ve looked at the evidence. I’m not convinced. I’ve yet to see a Brit who looks at this case dispassionately.

Also there’s not a single “conspiracy theory” person into this case. It’s not on conspiracy theory subs. It’s not talked about by conspiracy theory grifters. The case for her innocence isn’t based on any “conspiracy” at all. Just a standard miscarriage of justice and shaky science.

The lighting is good, the operating is good, the color is good… the idea is a little weak. This feels like good cinematographer with a weak director. It’s a little boring & seems kind of pointless idea wise… but you sold it look wise, so good job!

I’ve had music videos I’ve shot I feel the same way about. I made them look as good as I could, but the inspiration from the director was way too low.

Yea this would be “interesting” if it showed what it claimed in any way. Color & contrast does change human perception of many things (which can include skin color). Feature films use this all the time to create the feeling they are looking for.

Unfortunately this trash tier video shows nothing about how Humans perceive skin around different other colors & instead how a shitty camera set to auto everything reacts to different colors and brightnesses. It’s simply changing exposure & white balance after every shirt change.

This isn’t meaningful in any way & it sure isn’t “damn that’s interesting.”

What she did was so unlike any serial killer ever that calling it “trophy collecting” is pure British tabloid fodder (even if she is guilty).

She done dating that cop who hosted the most scumbag show Live PD?

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

This neckbeard still won’t even show his face.

Sure, but this is getting to hypothetical land where nations don’t exist (which is as likely as the fantasy libertarian utopias)

There seems to be a huge part of “leftists” where any country that is anti US or anti “west” is given a pass.

You just defined pretty much every nation on earth. They prioritize their rights over the rights of other nationalities of the region.

Not really. There’s very minor things that can be nitpicked. One is not being clear that it’s the re-trial on other charges that is causing the media blackout & not the rules in general. In general the response I’ve seen from Brits is to hand-wave the entire article away because they are too emotionally invested in this case. There are other cases (from other countries in Europe) that read almost exactly like this one and those people were innocent.

It’s been a while since I read the article, but the main crux is this: 1- statistically weird Coincidences happen & can’t be attributed to malice. 2- The testing for the insulin and maybe something else was sent to a lab that specially said it isn’t accurate enough and shouldn’t be used for trial purposes. 3- They based the case off the insulin cases with the “air embolism” being tacked on as “this is how she probably did the others too.” But there are tons of holes in the insulin cases (one being that a case they claimed was her killing with insulin, they realized she wasn’t on duty & just removed that case & either the defense didn’t see that or wasn’t told). There are other holes in the insulin cases that brings them all into suspect. 4- No one ever saw her do any of this. Just claims she must have. 5- The air embolism has even bigger holes. It seems completely fabricated with no other science backing up that it’s even possible or likely to have occurred.

The most damning evidence is her journal where she felt like she was responsible and “killed” the babies. This again is pretty shaky. A human who had to see a bunch of babies die could feel the same way, and she said as much.

In short, the parallels to other cases where people were innocent, the incredibly bad science behind the air embolism testimony, and the enormous holes in the insulin cases lead me to believe an innocent woman is in jail for life. While it’s possible she’s still guilty with these problems, I’m not convinced.

And I’m not someone to hop on the innocent train. I think pretty strongly Adnan Syed is guilty & it’s an abomination that he’s walking free from largely the movement created by an irresponsibly made podcast.

Ye that’s where I landed. After the abysmal ending to the show & his inability to do anything afterwards, I’ve written the series off. The 6th book wouldn’t even be exciting, because I’d have doubts the 7th will ever come & it’s just as pointless of an end as book 5.

I was filming quarterly “state of the economy” style updates for a major financial company for a bit. I noticed that if Bitcoin got demolished that quarter, they would not mention it at all. If Bitcoin was flat, they’d mention it with other things that were flat. And if Bitcoin went up they would talk about how it outperformed other things that quarter.

This is to say that Bitcoin crashing is good for Bitcoin being mentioned by financial institutions. They just ignore it until they can tout its gains again & the more it crashes, the more room for gains the next quarter.

This case is really interesting & there’s been multiple similar cases in other countries where the nurses were eventually found innocent. The New Yorker piece was fascinating.

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

He seemed to be thanking pathetic followers one time when he was streaming, so someone is donating to him.

I wonder when he’ll hit PP status and have less invested than he makes off the morons.

Pulte's Maniac Melturd

Yea that may be the only reason he read it. His brain was too busy sounding out the words to be able to realize those words roast him & his followers in the most brutal way possible.