

Field Prep + Bipod + Reserves when at the flag gives you 17(or 15? Its been a minute) rockets.

3 days in office, so 2:15 hours communiting, but they only do 36. So its 38:15 vs 40.

Mainly because its 7am and im trying to just zone out and get some rolls before work.

Bipod was what put us over as long as you have some sort of quick reload. Its consistent and easy, get 4 rockets per plate. Two to push to damage, quick reload, and two for the bonus damage phase, normal reload. Rinse repeat.


Theres a reason every post about planets and (Week 4 Pa Pantheon generally) has the top comments talking about using Bait and Switch.

Yeah, it works, I'm not saying it doesn't. But there is more than one way to skin a cat and there is a reason this post is made a bajillion times. Clearly it doesn't work for everyone, even if may be "the best". Its about what works, period. For me, that was Bipod, and it worked well.

Bipod is not worth using. The damage is backloaded on the phase, you have to burst and maximize at the end. Bipod is a straight nerf to your backloaded damage which is what matters in this.

See, you keep focusing on extremes because its not "Best". You don't need Best, you need what works. Bipod works, and worked well for me. It may work well for others rather than the same advice given time and time again. I only found the bipod call out since someone else mentioned it in one of these posts and they were right.

I have tried many damage options on Planets and by far the most consistent was to use the meta: B&S and Reconstruction with Izzy swap. I even tried Bipod, I tried cold comfort, I tried GL’s, I tried plenty of things. B&S Apex with Izinagi is the most consistent and works the best.

And for me it was Bipod as I as well tried many things. Its a silly argument to make considering it did work, not even a hypothetical. Your "best" or what worked well for you may not apply to others. That doesn't make this wrong.

Go read plenty of posts, you’re the only guy saying Bipod is good for this. If you’re fighting the grain, you’re probably the one that’s wrong. This topic has been researched to death.


The overall difference in damage between 2 B&S rockets and 4 Bipod rockets is about 10% in favor of Bipod.

And the multiple Gali procs

The difference is 50% of the total Bipod damage is before the bonus damage vs B&S is 100% during the bonus damage which is going to get you further per phase.

And again, you need to get there still.

If your team needs 2 bipod rockets per person to even reach that bonus damage, you have other issues to resolve. Timing, ammo, staying alive, etc.

Lol what are you waffling about here. I beat this, and it worked well. Bipod gives you solid damage before the bonus and solid damage after, that's why its nice for this particular fight. Easy Rotation, consistent damage, and damage when you want it.

Its the same reason why GL's work so well, consistent damage throughout so you get good damage prior to bonus and good damage after bonus.

Go try it rather than talk without giving it a go.


Bipod is a 25% damage nerf and B&S is a 30% damage buff.

This is not a raw damage fight, much to the same way caretaker isn't as well, everyone can push to the next bar, its about burst . It is about getting that damage to hit once you hit the bonus section to make it as far as possible with the limited time you have left.

That's why Bipod works very well on this fight, you get four shots per plate, two prior to the bonus damage, and two during. Proc shot caller while running to the plates or just prior to damage, shoot two rockets, use reload ability, and shoot two more rockets during the bonus damage phase, normal reload. Rinse Repeat.

I was using Semiotician and was top of the pack or near top every time (without a damage super). Its very consistent damage and hits when you need it to.

Id likely stay unless the new job is considerably more relaxed. Even if your working from home, your still spending a few more hours each week and getting less PTO. Plus, judging by the way you phrasing it, you wont be able to as easily end your day if you done your work.

The bonus damage is at the end of the damage phase for each plate. A lot of people recommending apex, which works, but if your firing your rockets first and not getting any back for the end of the damage phase it's not that great.

This is the rare moment where a bipod rocket does amazing, let's you get off two shots and then some sort of quick reload and the other two shots hit when it's bonus damage. I was using the crafted strand rocket for this and it was fantastic damage.


Every other week and then I do a team meeting every other week. The 1:1's are to focus on that person's specific area and whatever they have on their minds while the group one is an opportunity to work cross team to build efforts involving everyone.

Look at my screen above my work computer which is usually some show.

DMC gets a lot of hate but it's an amazing example of how to use metal music well in games so I just jump at the chance to talk about it 😁

DMC gets a lot of hate but it's an amazing example of how to use metal music well in games so I just jump at the chance to talk about it 😁

Man just saw the PlayStation logo and ran with it

You don't really need to kill Colossus to finish, we had a few on our team just keep them blinded since they spawn back. Same goes for the tormentor, can be out right ignored if you use any of the new spots.

Im still liberal, but I think the biggest thing for me is vetting information and assuring it is grounded in facts. Im more easily swayed and more willing to entertain other view points as well was reconsider my own if views are backed by numbers and verifiable data rather than just feelings.

"You see, *girlfriend's name*. that's what you call a loaded question. No matter how I answer, there's a bullet in every chamber designed to blow my brains out."

My main goal in life is to create things, even if I don't directly make them but can facilitate the process. Right now Im working on a card and board game, and I'm almost positive I would just double down in this respect and try to create other things that scratch my itch (iv had a running list of invention ideas id love to take a crack at).


Im not sure others, but im certainly part of this even outside of work. Iv been in Marketing for years and something about that with high functioning anxiety means I'm really good at what I like to call "putting on the show"

Il likely get hate for this, but DMC is criminally underrated in this aspect. The way it uses the metal music (which is top tier by Combichrist) to blend in with each fight and stage is absolutely one of the best implementations of a sound track and easily one of the best uses of metal in a game.

Devil May Cry 5 does a decent job of this but DMC just does it better.

One of my biggest goals while working from home has been focusing on automation and processes so I can lounge around. I had completed a lot of that prior to my promotion and now doing the same for my new role.

I'm way more productive because my reward is essentially time back and put in the time and effort to makes things easier so I can take it easy and same goes for my team.

Outside of the standard reading and playing games, IV been working on making card games! I have one in the works now that is in the design phase and I'm works hopping another.

Kinda hoping of making it a side gig.