When I was taught this by a QC native speaker they told me to say "Je besoin de pisser", but I'm not seeing that anywhere in here.

Is that just some regional lazy slang or was he just messing with me and I've looked like a dumbdumbs this whole time?

Funny because he said almost that exact thing this set.

Also switching Lilia from melee to ranged really confused the shit out of him.

Clown core is top tier music. We need music videos that take place inside a cement mixer or something.

I have been playing league forever and a day now so when I jumped into tft I already vaguely knew what every hero does and can just position based on that.

My brother started playing with 0 league experience and had a nightmare of a time just figuring out what the units do.

I tend to forget my 12+ years of league translates into a lot of innate game knowledge here.

I always take singularity if someone has it and every one thinks I'm weird because of it.

Something about it feels clean and precise to me.

If you are going to take away split then I want pearl back, dammit.

I am proud that we allow ex-felons to vote in NY. If you paid your debt to society you've earned your right to participate in it again. Keeping ex-felons out of the process does no one any favors and imo is a form of taxation without represenation.

The reward is when you get to /flex at yourself in the mirror for being so good because no one else on earth cares.

I was shorting this for a minute and making mega money. Then fate turned on me and I gave back a bunch of gains.

Now I'm staying away from this devil ticker, it defies logic and there are clearly some weird forces at work throwing more fuel on the dumpster fire.

Holy god do they really have that much sugar these days? I could've sworn soda had like 30g tops and even that is insane.

I was top 25 Aryas in NA during beta and I just can't play her anymore.

Everything feels so sluggish and janky I thought I just suck after not playing for a long time, but even in practice with perfect conditions I can't make half of my stuff stick.

All of her dash/jump fast attacks just suck now and get telegraphed way too hard.

All the young people leave because there is little opportunity outside the medical industry, which is the only thing keeping these fuckers alive.

What you are left with is an ever increasing population of old people and no one to replace them. Eventually a lot of the areas around here will just empty out and die of decay.

Shit if I was Danny Wegman I wouldn't be wasting my time talking to the plebs on reddit, I'd sell my business and say fuck New York.

I have had many friends work for Wegmans and every single one has said it was the best work environment they have ever had.

Have never heard a single complaint out of any of them.

I never bothered with local elections because where I live is so dominated by older people that it really doesn't matter.

Now I see it as my vote being more valuable than when I'm on the dominant side and it is imperative that I vote in every election no matter what.

Ruined my afternoon... was going to play some chex quest and oregon trail to pass the time.

:moons: 0 / 1K 🦠

My favorite part about his nfts is that he takes 10% of every transaction. Meaning the price doesn't matter so long as people continue to wash trade them.

Ultimately it is a money laundering scam with a coat of paint.

There is a seasonality to immigration and I see "SURGE AT BORDER" every winter and "ILLEGAL CROSSINGS ARE PLUMMETING" every summer.

It is all automatic I just occasionally change the testing period.

Every patch Tuesday I auto patch a couple machines for select end users who are tech savvy, a few who are clueless, and myself.

I then wait (depending on severity of patch) and roll it out en masse after I can safely assume there are no new problems.

So far been a pretty good system

I still can't believe almost 30 years later that movie looks so good it could pass for a modern movie. Just unreal how good it was... One of those movies I am happy to say I saw in theaters on release.

The problem is the economy is great if you have the capital to take part in the equity markets. For the 50% of Americans that are barely scraping by it seems that they are falling further and further behind.