Have u been drinking anything alcoholic whilst being in the sun? Only thing i can think of is alcohol or lemon juice anything like that sitting there and the sun has made it irritated

The mouldy strawberry you left in the fridge:

Dude looks like he’d walk up to a girl he’s interested in, ask her if he can kiss her, awkward hug, air kiss her hair and walk away

Props to you for turning ur Nans old curtains into a t shirt!

What the hell is going on there????!!!

No one should let their eyebrows get that bushy

You’re one of the goats that got turned into a human in stardust

Mr tumnus and Will Ferrell had a baby

You look like you sit alone in the library drinking milk

Thank you so much for saving planet earth by letting an asteroid land on your chin instead

I think u have a mild case of gingivitis, I’d go to a hygienist if u can before that gets worse

Your rosacea looks like mine and I use azelaic acid

has got nuffin left

Keegan and Tiff

Azeliac acid, my rosacea is just like yours and I’ve been using it for a week or so and the redness is almost gone and the texture is way better. And that sulphur soap bar is rly drying I found so I’d get a rly plain hypoallergenic moisturiser and put that on religiously or the dryness actually makes the redness worse, once the redness dies down pop some benzoyl peroxide wash on to get rid of the spots