I get it!! It was like letting go of the safety line only to find that the line wasn’t connected to anything in the first place.

No bad examples my friend! Let them play in their sandbox but yea way to handle that jerkwad

Hard to argue that perspective my friend. I appreciate you sharing it that way and shifting my viewpoint

I appreciate Caves faith and what it does for him but some of what he says in Carnage bugs me. He basically blames secularism for the way things are now when most atrocities are perpetuated by religion and the imposition of. Assuming that the secular are spiritually void is a serious indictment with no basis.

That’s said I love Cave and appreciate what his faith brings him in terms of comfort.

We’re often the last to know about our behavior. I was operating as a dry drunk for years before I came in. So if all I’m doing is removing alcohol from the equation yet I’m still an asshole, that’s me being a dry drunk.

While it doesn’t apply to ALL people my experience has been that most of the people I’ve encountered have some defects of character that are still present just less amplified

Id be careful to use the term gaslight too because you’re assuming intent behind that. I heard a lot of things I didn’t like but I stuck around long enough to see they were more often than not, telling me the truth and that’s why it hurt.

Just because some present’s themselves as happy doesn’t mean their actions reflect that. As the spouse or child haha

I don’t have a problem with guys leaving so long as some of the band stays to watch and meet people. If I know my guys are staying I don’t feel out of line leaving. Now if the rest of the guys bail then o stay behind. Some degree of ambassadorship is necessary

My buddy was a DJ at small college in Indiana. He let me take a bunch of promo cds home for the five hour drive. Boatman’s Call was among them. Nothing else got played on that drive. Almost 30 years later he continues to be my fave

Boston, who hurt you?

Some cranky ass people that acted like they were aware of and under the spell of some old curse. Hilarious but also, shit lol

Baffling. Great idea, horrific failure in execution.

Why not have an actual font and then have some of this writing on the inside of the kit on the sleeve.

Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley

The whole album

If it were me, I’d be asking myself why I need that rather than how much or how often.

I can say with certainty that working the steps daily has given me the calming effect no drug ever could. Unfortunately for me, if I’m taking anything mood or mind altering, all bets are off

This is the answer.

Also we as alcoholics aren’t the best at delayed gratification. I think 13th stepping is very dangerous personally. My sponsor was 13th stepped and it messed with him to the point it became sobriety threatening. He didn’t even realize it til the relationship ended. He also wasn’t thinking so clearly in his first year.

Maybe run it through the 4 absolutes. That’s my usual firewall

At Night Like This until the sax part




One Hundred Years

Hard to not pick this as my number 1

I don’t believe in any kind of deity so by default I’d be considered atheist. This program works for me so long as I’m willing to accept that I’m not god. Some folks even replaces “god” with “good” and it works

That would be amazing!!!!!

I can’t remember too well but I remember the pictures being really cool. Also davey had not-even-shoulder length hair