These forests have been periodically burning ever since the glaciers receded after the last ice age. And the forest that was there before the last ice age periodically burned as well. (And so on) Fire is as natural as wind and rain. The forests have evolved with fire and because of fire.

Rat. Just get a regular ProCo Rat 2.

It definitely reduced the hum. My amp is insanely low-noise. And the 470r reduces the 6V6 plate voltage by about 20v. In a class A amp, there is no “sag”, so it doesn’t affect the feel at all.

I recently built a 5F1 style amp, and I used 22-22-22.

However, I ended up rebuilding it and added a filter stage. An additional 22uF cap, and a 470ohm resistor before the send to the power tube. That was how the 5C1 was designed, but they stopped doing that to save money, and because the little 8” speaker couldn’t reproduce the low hum anyway.

Edit. Just to clarify, my power filtering is: 22uF-(470R)-22uF-(10k)-22uF-(22k)-22uF. The feed to the power tube is off the second 22uF.

I have two ICE vehicles. A 2009 and 1012. They both have low Km’s and are in great shape. They will last another 10-15 years easily. They are going to have to come up with one hell of a deal to get me to trade.

No. That is called “letting yourself go”. Being so completely out of shape that your legs can’t support you, and you can’t navigate a single stair?!?!


There are some videos on YouTube, people have opened them up, and most of them seem to be made by NU-X. I have the NU-X analog chorus, and it is very good quality. For $40 it can’t be beat. Zero hiss/noise. Build quality is more than adequate. The BBD chips are legit, and the circuit is a great copy/adaptation of the CE-2.

When your employees are considered a “necessary evil” or an “expensive liability” instead of an integral part of your business plan, or a valuable asset.

Brushes. Traditionally, snares were sometimes played with brushes, and it just kind of became the default. Also, the coating slightly makes the sound darker and reduces a touch of sustain. Many people like how it slightly reduces the ping, and plastic-y sounding overtones of a clear head.

Just curious, with a brand new SM57 being under $100 on Amazon, with free shipping, why would you want to buy a used one?

Well, a lot of Canadians have that drunk uncle that tends to get caught up in MAGA conspiracy theories and conservative style bigotry. Just the type to gravitate towards Trump.

That’s true. I would buy any electric car before I would buy a Tesla, and my next car will be an electric car.

Thats not a bug, it’s a feature.

The BBD chip in that circuit does exactly that. I guess if you re-designed it you could adjust some values of resistors or pots to make it behave slightly differently, and the knobs would point to different places.

A lot of people say Canada should develop a domestic textiles industry.

A lot of people say Canada should develop our technology and manufacturing sectors as well.

If you want to give up, or be incredibly short sighted, go ahead, but doesn’t help the rest of Canada.

The needs to be more of a thing. There needs to be a HUGE internet movement: I see your ad on YouTube, I boycott your company. Companies need to see a huge drop in sales because they put ads on YouTube.

What percent of Canadians don’t support either “side”?

The Israeli government and IDF are evil. Hamas are terrorists. Who do innocent Palestinian civilians support? Who do innocent Israeli civilians support?