I think you're asking because one would think Arab countries would be allies with the Palestinians and would welcome an attack on Israel. I didn't see anyone answering you. Here's the thing, Arab regimes aren't democratically elected. The people didn't choose them. Without elections, the king, and other rules like him, need to gain their legitimacy somehow, and the way they do it is by being useful for regional and global powers. Basically, the King does favors for Israel and the West, in return they turn a blind eye for him being undemocratic, and for all the human rights abuse his regime commits. They give him legitimacy, treat him like a legitimate ruler.

:Palestine: Palestine - فلسطين :Palestine:

Iran and Israel are welling to keep fighting until the very last Syrian / Palestinian / Yemeni / Iraqi. What a joke.

The Israelis have leveled a huge percentage of the the Gaza Strip. We have videos of them shooting unarmed civilians. They even shot and killed Israeli hostages waving a white flag. The figure is going to be much higher than 33k. Just because Islam sucks, doesn't mean Palestinians deserve to be killed. The two have nothing to do with each other.

:Palestine: Palestine - فلسطين :Palestine:

People from the Levant are diverse. Many are white, many are tan. They mostly tend to be on the whiter side. By "white" I mean skin color wise. I don't think it's at all possible to know where originally you're from in the Levant just based on your skin color. There are small ethnic minorities in the region, but they're usually on the darker side. I personally have relatives who are as white as the Irish, and others who are much darker.

Your grandfather is Lebanese, Syrian or Palestinian? Looks like he's going hunting. Or freeing Palestine. Both equally possible.

Completely wrong. This wall surrounds the settlement of Beit-il in Ramallah. Last night, settlers from this settlement attacked a Palestinian house that's within the wall. People from the nearby Jalazon refugee camp rushed to save the people in the house.

Because what do you think will happen if they're arrested? They're the political representatives of Hamas, they do the negotiating. If you have no one to negotiate with, you can't get anywhere. Also, Netanyahu, Putin, Biden, Trump, Obama, have all caused more death and destruction than Hamas. Why aren't they all arrested? Do you think if Putin landed in DC tomorrow he'll be arrested? That's just not how the world works.

وكأن جنسية الوطن منحة من الحاكم، بل الحاكم الذي لم ينتخبه أحد. بلادنا تعيش في القرون الوسطى ما تزال. وللأسف، حاكم الكويت الجديد واضح إنه دكتاتور أكثر من الذين سبقوه. حل المجلس المنتخب لأنه "أهان الذات الأميرية"، والآن هذه القصة. وكثيرون يدافعون، لأن كل فكرة الدولة عند العرب غير سوية.

The murduous dictator ruled for 40 years, and you're pretending like he didn't have enough time? Lol.

Thank you. I think you're right about conspiracy theories in Middle East. The reasons you mentioned are valid, but I think they're only part of it. When you're always oppressed, and it's so damn obvious, but the entire world tries to gaslight you into believing that either you're not, or that it's your own fault, you start believing crazy things to try to make sense of it.

The Holocaust isn't part of Palestinian, or Arab culture. We didn't commit the holocaust. It didn't happen anywhere near us even, and so it makes sense that it isn't as present in our collective consciousness as it is for Americans and Europeans. Go ask someone from the Philippines or India or Japan how much the holocaust is part of theirs.

What I mean by that is that if an American told me the holocaust didn't happen, I'd know immediately the kind of person I'm dealing with. But when a Palestinian says it, I don't know what they're about, and I'll just assume that they're ignorant.

For many Palestinians, the only Jews we see are the settlers and the soldiers. For many, the holocaust is compelty absent from their minds, or if they know something about it, they know it happened to the people currently opressing them.

I know my history, I know the holocaust was a terrible crime committed against innocent people, and I know the difference between Jewish and Zionist. But that's my own privilege; I hold a higher degree, I speak multiple languages including Hebrew, I've traveled all over, I've met many Jewish people, I know of many Jewish writers, creators, scientists, I've watched movies and read books about the holocaust and the Nazis. Most Palestinians haven't had this experience.

There's also the fact that Zionists have always used the holocaust as a defense against any criticism. They've used it as justification for their own crime. This only works to further the misunderstanding that many Palestinians have regarding the holocaust.

If we are someday able to achieve peace, I think understanding the Nakba and the holocaust is going to be a crusial part of any reconciliation.

Oh, and Abbas is an unelected criminal. He doesn't represent the Palestinians. Most Palestinians in the world, including in Palestine, are against him and didn't vote for him. Anything he says or does is on him.

You're very welcome. I'm glad I could help.

It's not real. Gehinom is literally a valley outside of Jerusalem. That's where they got the idea from.

custom flair

I'm not in the habit of wanting to send people back to their crappy country to meet their fate, but if anyone deserves to be sent back to (Syria, Yemen, Libya...) it's this pos.

Who's they? Also, it's funny that you'd assume "non Muslim" immigrants are European. We're not European.

Literally one of the funniest moments in the shows history.

Why not prosecute this criminal and send him to rot in jail for the rest of his life instead? What does my migrate family, who aren't Muslim and who would never such a thing, have to suffer for this?

Of course there's no place for this culture in Europe, I would certainly hope not, but to say this calls for "mass protest against immigration" is absolutely ridiculous.

Not every country has the same circumstances or the same percentage of believers. Personally, none of the people on my own circles is religious, I'd imagine that would be hard for me to say that if I was living in Saudi Arabia for example. People on Iran, for example, are not religious for the most part, they're forced to live under sharia, and they know how bad it is.

As an atheist with a Muslim background living in Palestine, here's what this is actually about from what I know and see. Most Muslims I know, I mean believers of Islam, are none practicing and would hate to live under sharia law. However, they still believe in God, and in hell and it's basically a deadly sin in Islam to say that you don't want Sharia law, it's literally in the Quran. So, most of these believers would never say they don't want to live under sharia law, because that would make them infidels.

The soldier holding a picture of a bride and groom has a different explication :" I was holding a picture of a bride and groom". The French soldier making fun of tortured prisoners has a different explanation for what happened "they want to sue me!".

What is this "investigation" even saying? That he exposed the solders doing the crimes and it hurt their feelings? These people need to be exposed.

Arab Jews absolutely had a connection to the countries they came from, they had established communities dating thousands of years, in cases like Iraq and Egypt, they has thriving communities.

I'm no expert on the subject, but there's plenty of Arabic literature discussing what happened to these Jewish communities. Long story short, none of the Arab countries are democratic, none of them represent the people or their interest. Like most Arab people, Arab Jews were repressed, and even more so for being a religious minority.

When the Nakba of 1947-1948 happened, many Arab regimes used propaganda and force to kick their Jewish populations to Israel. Why? Many possible reasons; Cooperation with the Zionists, an opportunity to "do something against" Israel in the eyes of the people who probably didn't know any better, an opportunity to get rid of some of the population and take their belongings (dictatorships want less people always).

In places like Egypt and Iraq, Israel had an active role in forcing Jews to migrate to Israel (look up the Lavon affair).

My guess is, many Arab Jews saw people around them become hostile after the Nakba, and with no government or societal protection, opted to move out. Many wealthy Arab Jews left for the Americas, for most others, Israel was the much easier choice.

It's really sad to see whole communities getting whipped out. Jews have an amazing history in Yemen for example, and now there isn't a single Jew left there.

Forgot to mention that over %50 of students in medical schools in Israel are Palestinian.