Do holes in trees count?

My first house had a big fireplace and mantle. No way I was putting a TV over that. Tvs make fireplaces look tacky imo.

Seems 50/50 to me. There is a lot of detail added to make it seem pretty real. Props to whoever set it up if it's training.

They're being pretty broad with their terms, but I do think it's safe to say that many traditional "anti government" groups and ideas have been co-opted by legitimate hate groups.

Alright, show me how many that is with your hand.

holds up 5 fingers

Their chins are way too strong to represent American Vanguard members.

Mailbox? So I can get a pipe bomb or anthrax sent to me? I ain't got one of those!

He definitely left some stains on the street as he bounced and slid.

It's a stick he drags along the ground.

My momma always said that if a heavily modified vehicle hits you from behind, it's definitely your fault for not being as cool as them.

It's the lazyboy sit that gets me. I think he has just accepted his fate because he knows he couldn't stop or avoid any danger anyway.

"I pay taxes! You work for me!" Yep and right now you're paying me to throat punch you KYEAHH

Last place I worked, the popular "rule of thumb" was anything over 50 hours was practically all going to taxes. I tried to correct this when I could. The way I've always looked at it was this, do you want to make money or not? If you aren't working, then you aren't making money.

I saw a guy's short-sleeved shirt yesterday. It had the flag on its sleeve, which is kind of its own style now. The thing that I kept looking at was the word on the front. I couldn't tell what it said exactly, but it was in the font that Megadeth uses and said "Megad-...." it didn't actually say Megadeth. So it was just a "patriotic" shirt using iconography from a metal band that routinely writes songs about the government and military industrial complex. And it was kind of baffling.

It's weird how and why people choose to advertise that they've never read the constitution or bill of rights. It seems to happen with the Bible a lot too.

My cock bends sharply toward my bellybutton. Makes it hard to aim the swimmers.

Midwest here. The mornings are almost worse because, even if the temp is lower, there's no breeze until a bit later in the day.

Second-hand stores can be great for buying lightweight but cheap pants.