Correct, and prices won’t be affected either as there’s no incentive for corporations to lower rents. Mom and Pop rentals are gone and corporate rentals are here to stay.

I read on the package insert from the nova nordisk website that “hyperesthesia” was a side affect in 2% of the test subject. “ Abnormal increase in sensitivity to stimuli of the senses. Stimuli of the senses can include sound that one hears, food, that one taste, textures, that one feels, and so forth.

How do you know it’s not a side effect of the medication?

Why? Does he have access to a wegovy data base of symptoms logged? Is there a data base of symptoms? How do they track long term what this medication does or doesn’t do. Does he have the time to access thousands of patient symptoms by going online and reading comments? Did he remember that two months ago another patient told him this? Doctors are great at many things but they are overworked and don’t have time. I’ve had so many tell me “I’ve never heard of that” even when it’s written in the package insert on the medication.

I’m 62. I got in an elevator today. Just as the doors were closing the loudest fart rumbled out of me. I had zero warning it was coming. AND, I hadn’t eaten all day so I have no idea where it came from. I was mortified for the other two in the elevator, especially the lady who immediately moved away from me. I just pretended it didn’t happen. 🤦‍♀️ Aging is so fun.


Navy Dean, I’m 10 days post surgery that left me mostly bedridden. I’ve been struggling to regain my ability to walk. After reading your post I feel like a warrior. I needed this. Thank you.

Omg. I know! I was given a little craft heatgun and it is working pretty good with the cardboard! Just go slow. Heat a little, pull a little.

I can’t tell you how many attorneys and self representing people I’ve seen play ignorant in the courts to delay and botch proceedings to cause the other party distress. This is a game. I don’t think he’s being ignorant at all. I think he’s dragging it out and making it as difficult as possible to keep the attention going. He’s feeding himself his daily dose of narcissistic supply. If this ends, then what does he have? He probably already lawyered up and is going to appeal the judgement. Views! Movie deal!

Same! And then to think that if I failed to stop at a stop sign or went 10 miles over the speed limit I would get a ticket for sure! This guy struts with impunity. I just don’t get it. He’s like an evil superman comic character.

I’ve seen the cement trucks around 1st, 4th, and 99 going so fast. It looks so scary. I don’t know how they can stop fast or maneuver in the city driving so fast. Whenever I see one I get out of the way.

I do feel like it affects my liver. I haven’t gotten jaundice from it though.

Adding in if we all could get together and stop buying gas or groceries on a certain day we could push them to listen. We try to do that as a protest on and off over the years but not enough participants and then it fizzles out. I firmly believe that corporations and government who are one and the same, just wait for the issue to fizzle out and die. Like Roe, TikTok, Tienamen Square, mass pollution of our water supply and selling it to Nestle and the Chinese buying farms in America. All of it gets forgotten every generation. For example my kids have no clue how good the healthcare in this country was in 1982 compared to now. They think it’s normal to pay 12k a year for copays and deductibles. CorporaGov overwhelms us with low wages and high prices to keep us constantly stressed out and in a state of survival so we can’t fight back. They got a good look at what it would be like for them if we had a voice and choice during Covid.


You took the words right out of my mouth.

Hey Dan, how long do you think it will be before you take lobby money and start insider trading in exchange for your vote.

He already said this. Like three years ago. Said he was going to stack the Supreme Court. Waiting.

It starts with this weird unexplainable feeling. Like a creeping restless leg type feeling. I can feel my body start to get tight from the inside out. I often get dizzy when standing up and walking; i sometimes just start walking sideways without being able to control it. Within an hour or two I get a hoarse voice and it takes a lot of effort to talk. The heartburn is the worst though. Burning, searing and takes so much work to get it back to normal. The heartburn comes with a #10 volume increase in tinnitus. Eating a croissant or a piece of cake is a real deal with the devil for me. I’m usually ok again after 3 days.

A stapler that staples stitches on a deep wound. I have never even looked at the directions. Live in earthquake country.