Why do conspiracy theorists believe in any conspiracy? It’s usually to give some sort of self validation that they are smarter than the general public. Or to gain a sense of control in a world where individuals are in control of very little.

He asked for physical insurance information. In FL, digital insurance cards are valid. Nice try though.

So inflation is due to the guy who was just sworn in? Not the previous administration adding trillions to the national deficit?

So just pesticide, fertilizer, and animal shit.

I love swimming in water filled with pesticide and fertilizer runoff and probably a whole lot of animal shit.

He didn’t even know the correct law. That’s kind of a big part of his job and a very very low bar to clear.

Impressive hand eye coordination but this doesn’t relate to actually playing golf at all.

Respect what? People who are willfully bad at their job? Respect is a 2 way street. Just because some moron is handed a badge and a gun doesn’t mean he’s earned anyone’s respect or should be respected.

Then don’t be a cop. The job demands that you be level headed and be able to handle difficult situations, which this was not. That’s the job.

This cop won’t even show up to the hearing. He was on a power trip and knew he was in the wrong. He just wanted to be an asshole to the guy.

Cops make way over minimum wage in FL. Hell, Desantis wants fuck up cops to move to FL to be part of his gestapo.

I live in FL. You absolutely can have the digital version.

Or you know, the global pandemic that was happening had something to do with that. Are you that dense?

Corporations moved manufacturing out of the US decades ago. Americans are addicted to cheap crap. You think they all of a sudden moved in the last 3.5 years? If anyone it was the Reagan administration’s vendetta against unions that began the end of American manufacturing. Educate yourself.

You know what? I actually was going to agree that the cop was being a dick until you revealed yourself to be a bigger dick than the cop. Congratulations.

Alright tough guy. Have fun living out your revenge fantasy.

Racism? What does this have to do with racism? I just see the comments of a child whose parents didn’t pay enough attention to him.

You came here asking opinions big boy. Can’t handle someone’s opinion?

My opinion is you’re a scared little boy that’s as fragile as that cop. You’re both wrong.

Oh fuck off. Seriously fuck off. You’re pathetic. Go ahead and “throw hands” with the cop for blocking your car a little bit and see how that turns out for you.

Yes you will develop potentially fatal health problems if you don’t manage it. You also risk blindness and amputation if you don’t treat it.

Everyday people will accept a lot of things if it’s gradually done, even if those things eat away at their conscience, finances or rights.