Drumkit. You already have basses. And maybe your HH Bass is wired so that the pu would be splittable so you or someone Else could put in a Split switch

Disciple is Not that hard on guitar. Just start very slow (if you want to Play it)

Und was wenn sie Wahrheitsgemäß antwortet, dass sie was ein Handy ist?

With a tablet/ computer/ laptop you should be able to Listen to it for free in the correct Order

Weil ich’s mag, es Emotionen gut rüberbringt und es schön reinkickt 🙃

You wouldn‘t have to Listen to it

You can have a fully charged 9v in your gigbag

I would add cool visuals+ pyro in the background

He SHOULD HAVE stopped. You Said you cried: well That’s a very obvious sign that you didn‘t like it that he just ignored and didn‘t cared. That was really wrong. Please don‘t blame yourself.


You could maybe try to bring a camping chair

In school music lessons we kinda „played“ a Song and I knew the différence between a guitar and a Bass (I felt very cool 😎) and I didn‘t knew how to Play the guitar and someone Else already played the drums so I chose the instrument that I Found the coolest- bass.

In the meantime I started to Play the guitar and during that I got into Basslines, so I picked up the Bass privately - and here I am!

I love the Groove of KAK, that the hihat goes on 2, 4 during the choruses

❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

Both Looks good but the jacket is very cool itself, so it adds even more coolness 🙃

It has parts that were musically unexpected- which is good. I Like it because of that

Daniel Fang, Paulina Villareal (I‘m sure there are a lot more good drummers out there that I don‘t know)

Yes but be careful with contacting him! You don‘t want him to know anything more about you than he already does!