Idk man, looks like about time for a mech cluster to me

SoCal is part of California. For reference, Tijuana is at about 32.51N latitude. That is like 100ish miles further North than the Texas-New Mexico border.

Like 40% of Texas (most of what's south of the panhandle) is south of all of California.

I'm a botanist. I'm well aware of the arguments. From an anatomy or physiology perspective, it tracks, and I agree that tree as a clade that excludes lots of woody plants is a useful category as relates to vasculature and growth patterns, and to a lesser degree to some of the energetic trends in the photosynthetic pathways.

From a functional day to day perspective, though, it's semantics. Sure, it's no hardwood, but bamboo is a woodier material than balsa wood, which comes from a "legit" tree. It's just not a meaningful distinction in the context of flooring material

Honestly, a pedantic distinction. "Tree" is so polyphyletic as to be meaningless. Might as well include the bamboos imo

2 > 1 >>>>>>> 3 or 4. The legit stones are the way to go. Of the stones, I prefer the wider one with 2 grit options, but the other would be fine too.

Crying in South Alabama's 91F/94% humidity from last Sunday.

Can't see the original post, but it can get damn close in South Alabama, particularly on the gulf coast. For reference, over the past 5 days, it has averaged 84F and 78% humidity here. As I type this, it is 1AM and 80F/93% humidity. The highs on both over the past 5 days were on Sunday, at 91F and 94% humidity, all those datta points being according to Pretty brutal summers down here, no lie

As for the lethal thing: yeah, it can be. Just being outside for very long in these conditions can give you heatstroke. People die from it every year. Genuinely terrifying that every year seems to be getting hotter.

If you have a decent ranged option, he's one of the easiest bosses in the game imo. If not...

Speak for yourself. I'm a great parent. I only hurled my infant into the stratosphere at Mach 3 twice this year!

Slip it into the water supply of Washington DC. There will be many innocent casualties, but I'm willing to pay that price to kill all the politicians

Blood loss isn't all immediate. If you lose a lot of blood, you'll get anemic and go into hypovolemic shock after a few hours and get some gnarly debuffs that can take a week or more to recover from. Will reduce all of your stats, tank movement speed, and make you pass out a lot. There are different levels to it, and bad cases can kill you, especially if it's stacked with other debuffs (iirc, anything that puts an attribute into the negatives will kill you outright). Best treatment is to stay well hydrated and consume loads of iron. Still, if you are ever heavily bleeding for more than a few turns, it's gonna be 50/ 50 if you make it 24 hours.

I'm in a low cost of living here, and about $100/hr+materials is normal

Ground cherries. You can eat them, assuming you're confident the area isn't soaked in herbicides/pesticides

Yeah but not well. A bit close to the side wall for comfort. If it were me, I'd plug it and plan to replace ASAP

Amazing. Every time I think Im really starting to understand ggplot, there is another layer to learn about

What does it take to do that in R? I assume there's some bespoke packages for that? How does the output quality stack up to arcGIS?

Almost exclusively. Your seasoning is only as good as how smooth it is, at the end off the day