This is most sports unfortunately. The barrier of entry climbs understandably as the cost of living does too.

I hate these fucking posts. 

The news drops and 15 seconds later someone posts this shit. By the way, literally everyone is in shock at how much awful shit Trump is continously involved in. We are also incredibly desensitized to it. It was only 20 years ago a presidential nominee had to end his bid because he got too animated on stage. Didn't call anyone rapists, didn't make fun of a disabled reporter, didn't openly claim to want to be a dictator - he yelped in excitement. 

Fuck yourself if you think I don't care.

Fascists don't like to pay attention to the fact that a fascist government will take their arms once they've attained enough power. 

When fascists have no enemy left to scapegoat, they start going after themselves. It's why fascism will always fail on a long enough timeline.

Stop defunding education and pay teachers a salary so they don't have so much incentive to just quit.  There is virtually no incentive to become a teacher in today's workforce. That's apparently by design for the benefit of conservative politicians who bank on misinformation for their own salaries.

Now we have people celebrating their own idiocy because it's easier to hate and divide than it is to learn, love, and build.

Grew up playing a text based MuD. Think WoW except heavy and often strict role play, extremely intricate combat, and it's all text based. It's basically pay to win, has been since its inception in the 90s. When my dad was dying of cancer, my brother and I revisited it together for the first time in a long time and I proceeded to drop hundreds and hundreds of depression dollars into this game. Into text. I bought text.  I think it was over a grand in that short window. 

To be fair I revisit it all the time. It's helping my other friend I grew up playing it with deal with his divorce, so it's in our lives at various intervals for lots of reasons. The last time I put in a lot of time, I got into designing items and room descriptions. It was a massive source of comfort and creativity in 2021, while on lockdown in a state that didn't even think covid was real, trying my best to protect an immuno-compromised family member with what was always going to be a terminal illness eventually. 

It won't be a waste, but it is a peculiar way to spend large amounts of money. The game is called Achaea for anyone interested in deep role play text games.

I maxed out the initial warbond tree thing and didn't want to buy my way into the next tier so that was kind of it for me. I'll probably come back when a new enemy or gun drops. I reckon most are in that boat.

I can't tell if he's just the most successful typecast actor or just has a specific range he almost never ventures too far from.

Conservatives don't care. They'd vote for Trump if he were behind bars already.

Putin ally Lukashenko doesn't know what else to say that won't get him killed.

How many businesses has Amazon put out of business? how much wage theft between Amazon and Walmart? They're all in the business of theft.

The fact that this tweet needs to be made is proof that the court holds too much power. It should be gutted or expanded into oblivion.

Great, but undecided in 2024? you must have to literally be living on a desert island the last 10 years to be undecided after two impeachments, 2 trials that cemented criminality, and an insurrection. it must be nice to have the resources to literally not give a shit about the election outcome this year.

What a joke. Literally fascism, or not fascism. There's no grey area or margin for error at this point.

It doesn't matter. SuperPACs dictate presidential nominees and that's that. There will never be a viable Democratic party until money is removed from politics.

I think that's legally actionable in some states.

This repost is literally older than some people commenting here.

Once you become a billionaire you automatically become clinically insane.

A mind boggling number of voters don't read or watch news, and vote solely on random factors that may or may not have anything to do with political platforms. 

And then there's the half of the country who doesn't vote at all.

37 and I don't take anything except Metamucil occasionally. My entire body hurts.

Maybe I should get a checkup.

BuT SuPpLy ChAiN iSsUeS