Nice, but I thought Kia had crazy long warranties (7 years)? So a 2021 model should still be in warranty.

Bug reports should go to the project bug tracker. Posting them to reddit won't help.

I would assume a high temperature silicone. But as I understand it, making gasket moulds with 3D prints is hard, since they like to stick to the layer lines.

Looks nice, what is the holdup for stabilisation this time?

As far as most developers using Rust are concerned, nightly might as well not exist for what we would actually use. The only time I use nightly is to run something like miri, i.e. to apply specific debugging or profiling tools. But not something I can feasibly use in my code.

If you could support talking to a gdbserver that would give you support for a lot of forms of remote debugging. It is a bit of a defacto standard for this. Even on x86-64, things like valgrind expose a gdbserver.

What sets this apart from gdb and lldb, two other command line debuggers that are at this point very mature? What is the killer feature for someone like me who started using gdb with C code in the mid-2000s and who is generally quite content with it?

Rust specific features are cool, but I haven't needed to use a debugger for Rust pretty much at all. Though that may be because I haven't been writing unsafe code.

There are also plenty of useful features missing, such as support for remote debugging (I work with embedded devices for my day job (not in Rust, yet, but things are slowly changing). Support for debugging over JTAG or similar protocols is absolutely essential there.

So yeah, sell me on this!

Nothing that big, but I tend to split my parts into smaller prints that are assembled, reduces the waste for any given failure.

Does it affect other models, and if so in the same spot on the bed or in different spots on the bed?

One thing to check is that there isn't any dirt stuck between the spring steel sheet and the heatbed, for example a small piece of filament debris.

What's with not using any capital letters, even at the start of sentences. That makes this article pretty hard to read. Going to skip on it because of that.

Hm, those are issues as well indeed. Do you have a suggestion for how to do it better? Possibly with additional language features if needed. I don't know how to do it better, so I'm hoping someone does.

I believe Smalltalk did something like that (originally at least, not sure about modern implementations). Not SQL, but a custom binary database where the code was stored. Never used it, so this is just heresy, but maybe worth looking into if you are curious.

As until now - nobody was able to show me a "similarly-designed" pump - so i would really appreciate if you could find a source for.

Kind of hard to tell from the video, do you have a STL or better photo of it? But it does remind me of an archimedian screw, or rather 4 of them mashed together.

There are also various pumps for solids (e.g. grain for silos) that should be able to handle water with particles in it. There are a few different designs, such as a conveyor of buckets but also screw based designs. See for example and

Also, I don't know how commercial scale sewage pumps work, but I don't remember ever hearing about them breaking being a problem, so they must have figured something out to get an acceptable life out of such pump stations.

Density vs accessibility is a question of how much space you have to begin with though. It will be a tradeoff that varies from person to person. Both is best of course. Which probably explains why videos about compact apartments with crazy folding multipurpose furniture is as popular as it is.

Cool concept, but I feel like you could fit just as much (or more) storage into the same space the carousel takes, without the carousel.

Good error reporting is mostly a mess in Rust unfortunately:

Anyhow is good, if all you want to do is bubble up the error and nicely report it to the user of a terminal program, possibly including a backtrace. I believe Eyre is similar, but with fancy colours. Haven't tried it myself.

However the moment you want to handle some errors on the way up you need concrete error types (and you need this in general library code since you can't really know what your callers want to handle). This might be for example retrying or ignoring certain conditions. There is thiserror for this, but it really isn't very ergonomic, at least not compared to anyhow. You have to declare your source field manually, and deal with backtraces yourself.

I have tried a few of the alternatives that promised to integrate this better, such as snafu, but it just won't print backtraces at all on stable rust when returning from main, so that is a immediate no-go.

And then there is the whole no-std issue. Most of Error should work fine in core for embedded users. I guess some of it need alloc and std, and rust devs seem stalled on actually making this work, even though on nightly it does already work as far as I can tell.

This is an area that really needs some more attention in the standard library. And I would love to know what the technical holdup is. I have looked at the related issues and couldn't make sense of the situation, it just seem to be a sea of issues blocked on other issues, for no apparent technical reason. So I suspect the issue is political. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Wrong subreddit. This is for the programming language. There is another one for the game. These are completely unrelated.

Hm, looks normal to me (I have a silicone sock on my printer, so hard to compare to my printer though). However that fan grill he put on could cause less air flow leading to heat creep, the upper third is completely covered after all!

Especially if he also put a fan grill on the other fan as well, the that could definitely cause issues.

I would recommend taking off the fan grills to see if it improves the issue.

Hah, that's what happens when posting from my phone.

What about or ? Seems a bit strange why you rolled your own Rust to Rust ABI instead of using one of the crates for it. Would love to see a discussion on why you went the way you did.

Seen this a couple of times this last week, but doesn't affect all errors, just some. Haven't had time to try to make a small reproducer. Consider checking the bug tracker on github first, and if you don't find anything report this.

My take is that it depends on what you use AI for:

I use Copilot auto completion at work. It is great as I have repetitive string injury in both my wrists. Sure the AI hallucinates a lot, but it also picks up on repetitive patterns pretty well, saving a lot of key strokes for me in repetitive code and when doing non-trivial refactors (too complex for regex, simple enough for the AI to get the hang of, which is a surprisingly wide range).

However, I have found AI completely useless for answering questions, they are completely unreliable, or the answers are so trivial they are useless.

Hm, is the model on the build plate? Or ever so slightly of it. Try using the "place on face" button (I think that is the name, I'm on my phone) and click the bottom of the benchy. That would be in the model view, not the gcode preview view.

That said, I don't think it should generate whatever that is anyway. But those almost look like tiny tree support with tree support bases. Try slicing the same project for a different printer (even one you don't have), such as the Prusa Mk4 and see if it goes away.