Partassipant [4]

Yes. Beacuse they/them has common meaning that pepole understand

I don't know how old you are, but the pronouns you use are not the first. There were ze/zem and other that disapeered because they failed thier main purpuse - to comunicate

As an outsider this so sad and fucked up.

 You work, you make money for your boss, yoy should be  paied  your worth,as any other business expenes

  The food/drink price should factor the service making tips what they are graritude for great service 

Partassipant [4]

language is a set of words with agreed meaning to facilitate comunication between pepole. 

  If the point of the post was to intreduce these new works, it was OK

  If the point of the post was to tell a story, make undestood to other pepole so they can ofer their insight,  it miserably failed  

It did annoied me to stop reading mid post, so I guess you were right, I dont have to read it 

Partassipant [4]

YTA OP should apologise to us for using those dumb a** pronouns

Partassipant [4]

I've seen it my ex. Allways the stusent, never putting that the actual work

Locky for me, it wa her parents that supported her

Partassipant [4]

You're trying a techological solution to a leadership problem; that never works.

With all due resepect, if all of them do not do the bare minimum, they are not the problem. You are. You need to work on your leadership skills, and remeber that leader sometimes needs to make hard desicions.

Set the required effort clearly. Enforce the requirments. Since you have been a poshover for long, you will meet resitance. Enforce the requirments, even it it means to let someone go.

You are not getting paid to make friends.

Man, I would have loved to read the comments on the original post

Looks more like incel chauvinism to me, but whay do I know🤷‍♂️

This old but good read https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2006/08/09/the-econ-101-management-method/

Another big problem with Econ 101 management is the tendency for people to find local maxima. They’ll find some way to optimize for the specific thing you’re paying them, without actually achieving the thing you really want.

OMG I've been in dev and dev mngt for more then 20 by now. and even then we knew this is a bad idea.

It's bad ideas are like zombies, never die, allways crolls back from a manager's mind who think it just inveted the wheel 

Pepole will always adjust their behavior to match the matric, not to what the matric spouse to represent

On mobile, withiut spelling

In our country, The gov understand that a generlization person with learning disabilitis require more help,guidnace and produce less, which is a burden on business owners.

The gov also understand the self esteem pepole get by being employed.

The solution is to let emploeyes pay lower wages, but the gov provides the difference

I'm so acustome to books that I have real problem with video tutorials 

That how old I am


My child got whooping cough from an elder relative (who didn't know, as for adults its manifested as light coughs)

Our luck was the the child was infected after the first dose of the vaccine, so the infection was less violent.

But we still needed to be in solitary in the hospital for a week, and see our child cough herself to exhaustion and blue from lack of air

If this is what less violent infection looks like, I don't wish on my worst enemies to see tier child going thru real whooping cough infection

Because if one is not acustome to take shoes off it could be presived as making them undress in public.

Even in the simple manner of thinking "did I put my good socks on today, or the ones with the samll hole in it"

Its a power play.

To remind you that they are parents and call the shots

Just wait for yoyr wedding, that would be interesting

Partassipant [4]

I would definitely want to know in advance if the job is worth taking.

You absolutely right

considering the tip is basically what the delivery person makes

That's what's wrong with tip culture. Businesses have gotten away for too long with not paying a decent wage for a decent work

Partassipant [4]

Not a DoorDash user.

Do you need to pay the tip before the order arrives? before the service was provided?

What is the logic behind that? like tip should be a reward, encouragement for good service, needing to tip before service is provided is like extortion, "Better tip good, or you'll find your order next to dead horse head"

Partassipant [4]

Why not give them a copy? To punish them? 

People handle grief differently, you should not judge actions done out of grief.   You do not need to resume contact, but let them have whatever solace they can have with these pictures

OP is not an AH, but I've hard time calling griveing parents AH ed: spelling

There is a a big difference between - YES, but lets plan it to two years from now/when I finish my degree/whatever - no, I need some more time to get her life in order

I can totaly see OP's point

I must say that they are doing a good job farming the issue.

They chnaged "We dont want restaurant owners to pay you a honest pay per honest work" to "They will tax your tips"; well budy, you woulnd'nt need to relay on tips if thay paied you for you work

Just like "We don't want women out of our control and havinbg sex" chnageed to "pro-life"