I'm not even 40 and have this policy. Glad to know that Biden is making adult decisions now

Conservatives please start doing your jobs. Your next job interview is over a year away and all you are doing is throwing shit and forcing everyone to walk thru it.

The system is set up to piss everyone off. Remember it was Republicans who took away your freedoms America.

We need a lot of water for years to re-saturate the soil. Dew worms aren't covering the streets like they used to during rain storms because the soil is still dry

A former president raped a 13 year old. Y'all should do some self reflection

This is what all MAGA thinks. This is what all the so called Christians think. They think other people having the same rights as them is oppression

I'm starting to think I have ADHD.

I think a lot of people think ownership is freedom, where I live that's also the sentiment around homes as well as cars.

I have read The lord of the rings trilogy as well. I couldn't tell you a direct quote from that either but I can tell you about the plot. Luke I am your father is often used as a direct quote by millions of people who are obsessed with the franchise. It is however not a direct quote.

Reading comprehension. It's a skill like welding not all people are capable

Coming from someone who talks about making his own world economic forum on rogans podcast. Where is this better world economic forum with cocaine and hookers JP hmmmmm

I'm 38m. My son is 19 I still feel early 20s my 80 year old neighbour still feels in her 20 s and she can drink me under the table

They live on communes, they provide for each other not at the expense of each other. If capital letters mean that much to sure small c. They are Hutterites, Amish, Mennonites who have a communist economic system if you are asking how they would identify themselves.

And public transportation would remove all the people that don't want to be in cars thus leaving a better driving experience for those that do like you. It's not one or the other it's about providing options.

They live on religious communes, all the money stays with the community and everyone's needs (food, shelter, sense of belonging, everyone has a job). The Hutterites where I live are pretty modern they drive trucks have cell phones etc. It's still a patriarchal religious system but they take care of their sick and elderly instead of letting them become homeless. It's by no means a perfect society but no one is throwing away food because to force others to starve due to lack of profit

We should build public transportation and remove as many cars as possible. This will make things faster, quieter, cheaper, less stinky and so much safer

Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish all practice communist economic policies. Communism thrives when it's not fucked with. Those communities have other problems but economically they take care of each ither