It’s not Kai’s house if it’s a skit it’s a whole other place that’s similar to it I bet why do you think Kai doesn’t have an ac working 

Has to be a set that looks like Kai’s room look at the chair it’s brand new. It gotta be fake also if Kai’s friend would try to burn the place down his security would have done something. No way they let kai “fight” the friend to try to stop the room from burning.

Islam beat Volk on a weight that isn’t even Volk main weight. Let’s see Islam on Volk weight oh right.

Islam called out Connor so he’s a clown just like Chandler but chandler is a bigger clown for waiting for him


Same could be said about Max lovers


Lewis accepts blame often… don’t make up a lie.


Plus the guy is a crybaby, ITS NEVER HIS FAULT. Max is as dirty and whiner as it gets but since he has the fastest car by far he gets to flourish with it. Max can cause a 10 car crash and still say it’s not his fault what a sore loser.


Haha Max is always crying, when Norris closes the distance he’s already making up excuses “oh I got no grip” etc because he’s setting up his excuses before he gets overtaken. Max always defends dirty if you want to overtake him he will take you with him crashing. 


Nope I see him driving for Mercedes for one year if not Haas.


Tbh Ocon was in Mercedes back up driver and he was learning there when he didn’t have a seat. I think Ocon either gets a seat at Haas or in Mercedes(for one year). Ocon is still a good driver but he isn’t a team player. He was a good team playing in Canada he gave his p9 spot to Gasly because team orders but the team never gave Ocon back his p9 spot.

His mic sounds like that loser streamer called Faide. Faide does this cringe voice with his mic acts like he’s funny. I think his loser fans are trying to copy him.

Well for instance when rev and a diff meta seer were real good and they still didn’t get a lot of play because casuals can’t unlock them.

Rev & seer being strong or weak do have a change in usage but not as much as the free legends. Whenever free legends get a hard nerf they still get play because they are free. 

Pick rates are high on wraith, path and octane because they are free and they are more aggressive type legends. Lots of casuals like playing those 3 legends. Pro play only see’s a few path, and wraiths.

Regular season not playoff games

How has he struggled the passed few years? You’re just a Lewis hater. You’re that sad to go to the subreddit to hate.🤡

Lewis should not have pit at all then he had mediums on and was going fast. If Lewis had those mediums he would have been p3


They gave him Hard tyres hahaha, and they said no to softs. - Russel 


I trust Lewis saying the car felt different in qualifying than I would any of these random people. The guy is a pro and the goat if max or Lewis say car felt different I will believe them. They are the car when driving of course they will know the car. Did Mercedes tamper with the car on purpose to make Russel look good, hmm the only team I see doing this is Mercedes so yes.

I bet he could have gotten faster, don’t you think a pro and not only that, one of the two best drivers to say the car felt different. Just because he was having good times doesn’t mean he could have had even faster times. If a driver says the car felt different do you believe him when he’s the best of the best drivers or you some random that never understands a car and no where near their level.

How is he exposing himself. Top tier drivers like Lewis and max know when the car feels different. You think your opinion and everyone else’s matters, when Lewis or max drive a car and say the car feels different a few hours later. You think it’s made up? Cmon these guys are the best if they feel something different I’m sure it is that’s why they are the best of the best and are pros. Lewis isn’t making anything up I’m sure Mercedes wants Russel to look like their golden boy.

He knows the car more than any of us. If he feels the car is different then I’m sure the car is different. Us fans cant be like oh it’s his mind playing with him. The guy is one of the goats people really think he is saying it just to say it? Nah I’m sure he’s right if the car feels different I’m sure it is.