Omg you sound unbearable. Absolutely unbearable.

He apparently just thought she was pretty and liked her personality. He didn’t sign up to get involved in some 400 year old racism debate.

“Earliest can detect is 4 weeks.” Yeah, not really. Mother here, I knew within a couple of weeks. My ta-tas were suddenly huge, for example.

Go ahead with the baby. A year from now, when baby is 2 or 3 months old and has a name is starting to show a personality, he’ll be horrified at the idea he ever considered an abortion. Trust me on this.

If it were insured, the insurance investigators would have some fascinating questions for her. They take this kind of “loss” very seriously, and might take a look into the lady’s overall finances. Secret shopping or gambling addiction?

I agree, and I think there’s also an element of making Suri familiar to the public so she is set up for a show business career.

This also works in Microsoft Word. Hit the little microphone in the upper right hand corner of a document and speak, and the document will fill with text. Might be easier to edit on a desktop or laptop than on a phone.

Yes, this is an unapproved opinion. Please check the åsiktskorridor before proceeding.

In addition, Irma was a Sjælland-only brand. They tried Odense, but it didn’t last. Coop probably wanted to grow their national brands.

I have also heard rumors that there was personal animosity between the Irma brand head and the Coop bosses. Someone wanted to buy the Irma brand and run it independently but the Coop bosses said no.

Sales tax (VAT) is added to the product’s price at checkout. So if it says $10 on the price tag, you might actually have to play $10.50 if the local sales tax is 5%. Different states and different cities have different sales taxes, and some places have none at all.

Amazingly,extremely poor people do manage to get married and have since the dawn of time. The fancy weddings you see in some “cultures”, as you say, are put on by the elite classes.

I agree that she is in training, and Bea and Edo’s public appearances with William and Catherine suggest she has their support. Her appearance at the Jordanian king’s wedding was also significant.

Edo’s makeover of Bea, both her fashion and her personal confidence, has really been impressive. Props to him. Being a mom also seems to have made her happier.

Look at the outlet, “Business Times”. Not a known publication. Looks like a glorified link farm.

Yeah, Bea and Edo have been seen publicly with William and Catherine fairly recently. Didn’t they ride together in an open carriage at Ascot? That’s a pretty clear endorsement.

Until they separate, and then it really will be “his” money and “her” money. Painful for her, I’d imagine, and even more painful for the daughter. Two households are expensive, lawyers are very expensive.

Because your definition of “abuse” is anything you don’t agree with. It’s like right-wingers who think “abuse” is kids at drag shows.

Yeah well, she thinks differently. Welcome to marriage. She’s angry and he should do something to make her happy.

Not everyone is a rainbow hexagon; many people have other types of lifestyles and enjoy them. Don’t you believe in diversity?