Unfair ? You had plenty of time to move forward and get a push with your special.

You also knew that they were hanging near the basket and that one of them had Splashdown ready, you jumping in and dying was your own fault.

Oh no, high Atk and Res on a unit that's meant to have high Atk and Res and they're using 2 Skills that increase their visible Atk and Res stats by 13 points and they also have Boons in Atk and Res.

Wow, good thing I stopped playing the game yet still hang around here to complain about things that doesn't concern me because I'm so out of touch with the current state of the game.

In general, yes, you can heavily invest in Block Rate and Defensive Buffs to make a unit extremely tanky.

On Zephyr ? Eh, not really, you're better off running Blossom Dance, Quick Draw and some form of Fast Charge.

Watched it from both your perspective and the Snipewriter.

Not a cheater, replays always look weird and laggy, that's not proof of anything.

They're squidbagging because they're stupid.

Everything else, gameplay, decision making, aim, reflexes, that's a slightly below average player with some lucky shots, the smartest move I saw was painting the wall when you tried climbing, that's it.

Most of your own decisions were pretty bad, you're acting before thinking, like the 3 times you jumped from a place you wouldn't be able to come back to easily, in an area you have absolutely no control over, of course they're taking advantage of that, you're an easy target.

Everything looks normal.

Basically, yes, Origin is another "experiment" and Aionios is the result.

Actually 600EVP is fairly easy, if you can make it there then the waves difficulty won't be a problem to you, and the vast majority of players in that range are really good.

Worst parts of the grind for a good player are 40-300 and 800+ I'd say.

Everything else is either too easy, or challenging with good teammates.

What I would take, and what everyone would as well I'm pretty sure, is getting the automatic Clear + Rewards to every lower difficulties if you win a quest at the highest difficulty.

Win something in Lunatic, get the Normal and Hard Rewards, just like Seer's Snare and United Warfront.

Some things are just there because it was implemented this way years ago and they never looked back, I think we should ask them to consider updating it, it's not fun having to use 60 Stamina for 600-1200 Extra Feathers per Chain Challenge.

Melon, was of the best player in the entire world right now, is 17.

And he's been playing since Splatoon 2.

I had the unfortunate pleasure to play against him once, he's on another level.

The fuck age has to do with anything?

Yeah, I should've been more clear that I was only talking about the fanservice part of the game.

Well, first of all thank you for writing another message, I thought the first one was a bit aggressive.

Second of all, I'm only talking about the fanservice and the fact the game is flawed, nothing else.

Never once in my entire life have I said that one Xenoblade game is objectively better, or worse, than another, I just don't think it's fair to downvote someone into oblivion because they had an opinion.

There are ways to disagree with someone, but virtually telling them to shut up ain't one of them.

Don't know why you're getting downvotted for simply telling the truth, 2 has a lot of fanservice, which is fine, ignoring that fact doesn't magically make the game perfect or something.

People need to learn to accept 2 for what it is, a flawed masterpiece.

Upgrading your gems virtually won't help you, don't worry about it ( Plus 7 is good enough for everything the game throws at you on the hardest difficulty ).

Unlimited Blade also won't help you, it's great for burst damage but at this level, tanks have a lot of trouble keeping aggro and you're invincible for like 10 seconds or so, keep it if you want but switch Noah to a better class like Incursor or Seraph and ditch Capable Hands.

3 Attackers, 2 Supports and 1 Tank ? Are you not using a Hero ? Fiona is right here.

You could run a dedicated Break ( Yumsmith ) > Topple ( Guardian Commander ) > Launch ( Lone Exile ) Ogre with a Legendary Break Brooch ( Blazing Carlos, Hovering Reef 4 ), even if you don't use Smash it'll create down times to allow your team to heal and buff up.

Soul Hacker is pretty cool, having a Buffer Soulhacker helps a lot, and considering you're hunting down UM, you should be able to use something like this : Strength Support, Large-Scale Shock, Battle Pheromone, Butterfly Dust, Dragon Decree and Snake Eyes, all the conresponding UM are below level 88, I'll let you search their locations if you haven't found them already.

The area is small, get away from the root because Blowdown can permanently get rid of someone, get everyone behind him if you can ( Enjoy the camera tho ).

Other than that, I'd personally run Noah Seraph, Mio Zephyr / Lone Exile, Eunie War Medic / Medic Gunner / Signifer, Taion Ogre, Lanz Buffer Soulhacker, Sena Heavy Guard / Guardian Commander and Fiona.

Skills and Master Arts, just use things that make sense ( Evade Arts go a long way, Aerial Slash, Jackal Claw, Quickdraw, Wide Slash, Skills like Ultimate Qigong on every Physical Class, just play their strengths instead of trying to fix their weaknesses ).

Like always, I talk too much, let me know if you need anything else !

Open, shouldn't happen in both modes.

So, uh, I'm still in shock even though it happened like 5h ago, but i played with someone who has 3h of total playtime.

In S+, this person has 3h on Splatoon 3, and they were on my team.


Matchmaking is a myth, if there is one, its purpose is to find ways to fuck every single game.

I've been playing with a LOT of beginners lately, like "I got the game last week" kinda players.

In S+.

This game is pathetic.

Damn that's the answer to everyone's problem, this one random person may or may not be using an Ethernet connection !

You're too early for that, just follow the story, you'll get there.


I thought XC1 100% was fine, aside from some items gathering and whatever the fuck they were doing with all the side quests in Alcamoth.

I know, that's why I won't be buying the future games, I'm done.

It's frustrating that Nintendo, at the peak of their popularity, decided that half assing one of their biggest online game was a good idea.

Splatoon 3 is a fine game.

But it's a god awful product, you're gonna lose your mind with the never ending list of major problems this game has and the incompetence of 90% of players.

If you're completely devoid of human emotions and can't get angry or be disappointed in someone, sure, the game is a 6 out of 10.

If not, save your money.

Yeah I'm not wasting my time, you're not looking to debate, you're just pissed and I'm not your therapist.

You're under the misconception that CWL is a necessity.

Being in a Clan isn't required to progress, it just means progressing faster.


"But I'm having fun! :D" - some fuck, somewhere