Just something super divisive, same as Skinamarink was.

Cornerback being #1 is excellent

FiOS since I moved to Aberdeen in 2016. Price has stayed the same for gigabit, and I don’t think I’ve ever had an internet outage.


Dude is going to be 60 in 2 months.. look at that pic on the left and tell me he’s aging lol.

[edit] Apparently this is AI. Crazy.

This is what happens with every single show where a character starts out ambiguous and eventually takes on a more deliberate persona.

Whenever they freeze/focus on an extra for any period of time, that person is almost certainly dead.

Her dad is a famous radio DJ in Baltimore. This is her now.

I was misremembering. Kraft was off limits.

I have a friend whose dad was schizophrenic. At a young age his fear of also being schizophrenic turned off his inner monologue, and it didn’t turn back on until he had a significant mental health event in his late 30s.

Billy Mitchell has the most punchable face of all time.

They were explicitly told certain things were off limits. I am pretty sure any negativity about Bill was one of those things. Pretty sure Hinchcliffe talked about it.

This is only in select states. Not every state does this, hence most of the people not understanding what you mean. Iowa, Missouri, and NC are the only ones I know of off the top of my head.

You said he was 10 on this account. Lol.

There’s another post in his history where he says he has just started training wrestling as well.

I had one on the team I coach in the 22-23 season. U12 state champ. It’s a weird age, and he is a super athletic kid that hit puberty early. This year he moved up to U14 and didn’t place.

For those that haven’t had this done, the local anesthesia is like magic. They had to crush two of my wisdom teeth while still in my mouth because they wouldn’t come out clean. I remember thinking that I knew I should be in excruciating pain, but I couldn’t feel anything at all. Same when I had my root canal after because of one of the wisdom teeth impacting the tooth next to it.

Take it about 45 mins prior to takeoff. Dont think I’ve ever thought it was slowing my breathing.

4 days is not enough time for the medication to build up to effective levels in your system. You’re likely experiencing anxiety related to the thought of taking a new drug. At minimum, Lexapro needs about two weeks to build up to effective levels in your system.

I started on Lexapro a month ago and have noticed a considerable change in my baseline anxiety. I was functioning unmedicated for a long time after bad experiences with Celexa and Wellbutrin, but Lexapro has brought me closer to what I remember “normal” being before I had PD/GAD.

I’ve heard this so many times, but he’s been great in plenty of ensemble movies.

If you want your mind really blown… the 55kg and 86kg pics are only about 6 months apart.