He's literally so adorable do you guys live in NYC I have a flowered black and white Shar pei as well and he is 4 months old, if you guys are in the city maybe we can play date!

Oh also I wanted to know did her spots come in even more as she got older? Or did she have that many spots when you first got her? Just trying to figure out how much more spots my puppy is going to get.

Are they on Instagram?  I can't really read how you wrote it lol  I'm curious to know if she has more flowered Shar peis I love them so much I want another one. 

She's a brown flowered Shar pei she's most likely miniature and mixed the reason why I say that because there's no such thing as micro or anything else smaller and miniature for this breed grows a lot bigger than her.  She definitely has strands of something but yeah she's a variety called flowered she's very beautiful, I have a pure Breed black and white flowered Shar-Pei she is currently 4 months turning 5 months and he's way bigger than her already, so safe to say that she's definitely mixed if she's not then she's definitely could have been an accidental runt out of her litter.... Either way you guys are blessed to have each other I love my flower Shar pei he's the sweetest!