:valor:Team Valor - FC 166210847981 - porcupine1576

No prob. Yeah, there wasn’t much time left either! I had two more friend requests, but unfortunately I didn’t see them until after.

Hello. (Sorry I took so long to reply. I was busy.)

I was diagnosed super early……

I love how show white’s dress is ate while I’ve seen better Elsa costumes on Amazon.

I like Cinderella's gown and Ariel's Pink gown.

I got sooooo much crap for defending her on TikTok yesterday.

my gender is Lucifer’s underwear

I came here to see if mine was here

It doesn’t when the sub is called ”rare INSULTS”

I understand that, it just seems like based on the context of this being on rare insults is that the character having autism is a bad thing. That’s the vibe I was getting.