I cross the intersection of Congress and High street (at the crosswalk) multiple times a day going back and forth from my jobs and people seem to treat that stoplight as just a suggestion. The amount of times the walk sign turns on, I'm about to cross and some madman blasts through the red light is astounding

Wish I could pet her through the screen

I don't really drink and maybe that has something to do with it, but I can't STAND drunk people. I live in a very touristy area and my apartment is above a street where people park to walk into the section with bars and clubs. It's like they get drunk and forget people actually live and work here and it's not just their weekend playground. Please stop standing in the middle of the street and playing a loud, drunk game of hacky sack with your bros, it's 3 AM and I have work in the morning

Yep. But personally they don't bother me, I'll sit through a few commercials if I don't have to pay for movies

Congress St. Entertainment

Shout-out to the young women in a small gray car driving down Congress St. around 9:30 last night absolutely jamming out to the duck song. I want to go wherever it is y'all were going

She's like an adorable little Muppet

I'm getting Marlene Dietrich, you have a very Old Hollywood face imo

I'm so sorry, rest in peace sweet baby

I absolutely loved The Reddening

What I've read about the cartels is pretty scary but I would still love to visit Mexico- just like the US, some cities and regions are safer than others

I thought it was a fun watch but I'm a sucker for cheesy found footage. It's like my comfort food

Literally just finished that movie tonight. Thankfully it was free on Tubi because if I'd paid money to rent it I would've been pissed

She was such a constant, loving presence in the house since I was in middle school, it's hard to believe she just...isn't here anymore. I'm living vicariously through the pictures everyone else posts of their bichons on this sub

I know exactly who you're talking about and yeah, it's annoying. Just because Portland is technically a city (barely) doesn't mean unnecessary, excessive noise isn't a nuisance

You look simultaneously very young and old, I feel like you're a very wise person

Rest in peace sweet little Olive ❤️ I just lost my first and only dog and I know how you feel, it's hard to image ever loving another creature as much