Like I said, read and educate yourself or buy into the dramatic rhetoric of the bozo parties and msm. If you're smart you'll try and become independent of these entities that are trying to scare you.

omg wow. you really need to read the ruling. nothing has changed other than the case law has had to be put in writing.

Presidents have always had immunity for official acts. They're not going to suddenly change their behavior.

Yeah the feds haven't been going into states for this kind of thing after that initial bs. Granted interstate activities and banking for these entities is your typical grey market bs evil human stuff. Trump really didn't go out pot busting so I don't see him suddenly pushing fed agencies into state regs... except if it's to bust hunter lol

Oh. the fed is going to try and screw that type of grey area up sure. But now that chevron is overturned it will likely not be able to.

What??? Do tell how a federal president is going to change state laws and regs. You obviously are way to into msm bs.

Denial is anathema to a proper assessment

30k - 40k regular kas trans per day. please show your metric for heavy kaspa use or your gang of project teams developing on kaspa as a platform .

Pruning storage off chain / off dag. i have no idea what you would present to deny pruning as the kaspa team sees it as a feature to keep the dag size down

Current meme pool congestion. Maybe you're just unaware of this recent development.

Not unless there's a seed phrase or private key embedded in it.

This is beyond an abomination of an idea. Kaspa is a decentralized network. If you want a centrally managed network go somewhere else like your bank or your credit card systems. If you want to manage mining fine do it yourself. Mining and energy economics will drive this not some controlling force. Humans are the weakness.

yes but it has more user transactions than kasp has and adoption is the only metric that matters. There's no real disadvantage other than no one is using it. That is why adoption is the only thing that matters. Many inferior technologies like tco/ip have won out due to better adoption. Superior technologies have not always ensured adoption.

The silver to btc gold is an old selling ploy that doesn't work. The only thing that matters is user adoption to gain the network effect. Otherwise look for a niche use case within the crypto market sector. Just having a faster network means little without real users using the network to transact.

Yeah. the idea of silver to btc gold has always been a poor concept. Litecoin and bitcoin cash are going to keep the niche market segments of efficient low cost ways to transport between exchanges. Adoption doesn't just magically happen to faster cryptos. As such how can kaspa I am concerned that kaspa adoption is stunted. It's 2024 not 2011 when no one was transacting in crypto.

No one used litecoin except for every single exchange out there. Litecoin is averaging 190,000 user transactions per day to and from no one.

Yes adoption is needed to gain the needed network effect. It doesn't just happen.


Lack of adoption by other project dev communities and users.

On chain / on dag history is pruned off.

Currently there are issues with meme pool spamming / congestion. Hopefully there will be a fix coming for this.

immunity from prosecution does not change the constitution genius.

Separation of powers. He could increase the number of justices to dilute the existing justices but there would be hell to pay.