Looks like the dasher got a big tip, and so did their car.

Orlando Bloom is all meth and crocodiles.

It’s no surprise we see messages like this. Trump’s cult follows the same fallacious beliefs he has: “if you say something loud enough, it must be true.” Keep in mind that the MAGA crowd popularized the buzzword of “fake news,” and the belief that facts are whatever you say they are (specifically whatever Trump says they are), regardless of reality. “The rules have changed” is one of those phrases that can really mean anything, and they’re employing that nebulousness to their perceived advantage. It could also be a dog whistle. It’s all smoke and mirrors, designed to scare and shock, to distract us with one hand while the other lays the groundwork for their planned fascist takeover. You’re absolutely right to point this out. Call it out and name it for what it is. The more folks we help recognize the reality of what MAGA and Project 2025 are trying to do, the more likely we are to overcome them.

"And as we wind on down the road, Our Shadows taller than our Souls, There walks a Bear that we all know... and She's buying a highway to Salmon."

Black bear. Thanks for sharing this. The first picture is just stunning! Really nice!

That’s my President! Joe Biden before a live crowd is Joe Biden at his best.

Agreed, a cockroach would be superior to Trump. To your point about lying about how the debate went: that’s not remotely the intention of this post. The point is simple: even with his very human faults, Biden is still a far superior choice to Trump. The post has no intentions of deception; it’s not lying about how the debate went. We all know Biden struggled. However, Biden has the ability to surround himself with an excellent leadership team during his next four years. He will listen to their input and use their suggestions. Trump would appoint stooges, yes-men, and family members loyal only to him and his own personal enrichment. I was thinking about this earlier today: imagine how Joe Biden is feeling right now. Clearly he didn’t show up like he did at the State of the Union. We need to rally around him and show we haven’t given up hope. Biden also didn’t have a crowd to interact with last night like he did at the SOTU. That’s his source of energy in his speeches, his amazing ability to interact with the live audience and bring them into his space. Last night was just standing behind a lectern in sterile almost laboratory conditions. This was not a debate, it was an experiment. I hated the format, especially for Biden. He’s a gifted public speaker when he has a live audience in front of him (as we saw during the SOTU) and the absence of that audience likely contributed to his lack of energy and fumbling delivery. I’ve been coaching public speaking for nearly twenty years, and the presence of a gallery full of people you can connect with and speak to is something priceless and something not to be underestimated. As a speaker, you draw energy from it. I’m not sure why this was the chosen format, but I wish they would have done things differently. Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t require an audience for any other reason than to use it as a tool for his own self-inflation. He listens to no one but himself, and acknowledges only the value of his own whims and impulses. He doesn’t have to have a crowd in front of him to speak because an audience is irrelevant to his delivery. He doesn’t care about other people; they are insignificant to him and not part of his communication process. That’s probably why he leans into tweeting so much. It’s a one-way medium. Comments or feedback are not required for someone to communicate that way, so he loves it. In his speeches, every other sentence he speaks is self-glorification. He just wants to hear himself speak. He doesn’t acknowledge anyone else’s importance because he’s a malignant narcissist. Last night’s format was much more conducive to Trump’s style than Biden’s. It’s a shame that format was chosen.

Lastly, you conclude with a fantastic point about low information voters. The ability (or even possibility) to correct false or unsubstantiated political beliefs is a complex issue. There’s a great white paper I read recently on this subject I would highly recommend to you: “When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of political misperceptions.” The authors are Brendan Nyhan (University of Michigan) and Jason Reifler (Georgia State University). Based on your comment, I think you’ll find it interesting.

Yep, that’s the goal.

“There’s a horse in the hospital!!” -John Mulaney

Yes. That’s exactly what the post is trying to say. In the long run, it means very little how a successful president speaks on a debate. That format isn’t even really a debate per se. What matters is what they have done and will continue to do. The post was in response to shallow conservative commentaries whose authors care more for appearance and rhetoric than reality and responsibility. They were picking apart Biden in a petty, callow way.

You know, I wonder how long it’s going to take for someone to ask: “Okay, you want us to teach the Bible? Well, which version and which translation would you like us to purport is the right one? Since you’re obviously an expert, Mr. Stupidintendent, do you recommend we include the infancy Gospel of Thomas? I think it’s just a splendid idea! You know that one, I’m sure: when Jesus as a boy kills another boy just for bumping into his shoulder while running down the street? Jesus said “you shall not continue on your journey,” and ZAP! the little boy died. What a great lesson in social responsibility! Or how about we teach them “The Greater Questions of Mary! You know, the one that great heresy hunter Epiphanius talks about like this:

   For in the book called The Greater Questions of Mary, they indicate that he [Jesus] gave a revelation to her [Mary].

“Taking her to the mountain he prayed and then extracted a woman from his side and began having sexual intercourse with her; then he gathered his semen in his hand, explaining that ‘This is what we must do in order to live.’ When Mary became disturbed and fell to the ground, he again raised her and said to her, ‘Why do you doubt, you of little faith?’”

So yeah, Jesus is clearly having non-procreative sexy-time in front of Mary Magdalene here, and actually goes on to eat his semen. This would be a perfect way to teach both nutrition and sex-Ed in a biblically correct manner. Perfect! Now getting a hold of a copy of that one is giving me a little bit of a challenge, but with your obvious connections as a top-notch scholar I’m sure you could make it happen! And for further supplementary material for our curriculum on sex Ed, let’s include Genesis 6:4! You remember, where those angels came down and had sex with the daughters of Cain and they spawned a race of giants! They made baby giants! So that’s where those things came from! What amazingly accurate history!

Now let’s talk economics! I think an excellent beginning would be Exodus 21 where it discusses the rules we are to follow when selling our daughters into slavery! Let’s make it a class project to determine what would be a fair price for her! Of course, the girls wouldn’t be allowed to participate in this discussion, since you know, they’re not worth as much as males, like it says in Leviticus 27: 3-8. Oh that’s a wonderful old chestnut! I’m sure you’ll agree that these are excellent choices and not at all chosen to support a particular agenda, for I only seek to follow your example of objectively-based theocratic tyranny. Also, we’re going to need at least two wild bears to unleash upon the children and maul them should they make fun of any of the teachers who are bald. You know, like the good prophet Elisha did in 2nd Kings 2: 23-25. I’ll go ahead and fill out a requisition on that! God Bless, sir!”

Somebody’s duckin’ with you. (I know it’s a chicken, but it’s still kinda funny.)