In his lifetime his last name was spelled several different ways. So it’s not an error.

Loved the novel. Was afraid I’d be disappointed by the film.

Need to work on that timing tho.

Any of Robert Heinlein’s ‘juveniles’—novels he wrote for middle and high-school age people. Good stories and hard core imaginative science.

Getting overtones of Mira Sorvino.

Arabic and Persian scripts can be elaborately beautiful and yet remain legible to native speakers. Or am I missing OP’s point?

❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

Over-knee stockings only if you’re trying to attract fetishists.

My own favorite bumper sticker was “I’d rather be smashing imperialism”.

Not just me. I went with a group of varying ages. Every one of us sat quietly through the end credits, listening to Zimmer’s music. When it ended, we sat together in the lobby, just being stunned, before we could leave for home.

Exactly. The whole basis of the New Testament is Jesus’ ending, not his birth. Easter, not Christmas.

Not to mention easily outnumbering a measly 12 disciples.

“Now there’s an unusual topiary effect.” —my mother in law.

I got my wife an Opus over 40 years ago. She had it till she died.

“You have a wit dry enough to suck the moisture out of a turgid camel.”

Let’s make a really big collapsible submersible and put all the billionaires aboard. Have a nice trip, fellas. It’ll be life changing, I promise ya.

  1. The Jesus signs.
  2. Places advertising machine guns.
  3. Swamps.
  4. Places advertising year-round fireworks.
  5. Absence of shoulders on roads.

It’s a good substitute till something darker comes along.

Looks like a still from a Wallace and Grommit thriller.

One who left BEFORE she could become (too) obnoxious is Joana Ceddia. I enjoyed her unpretentious intelligence and goofiness. Then toward the end she started posting stuff that displayed what looked like hysteria. Finally she erased her entire channel. I hope she is well and that the near-hysteria was due to the pressures of too many worshipful (not too strong a word) followers. She was a sweetie.

The door is open. The device isn’t operating. No animals were harmed in the making of this posting.