Confessions of a knife was great. Not a bad track on that one.

They were my favorite at the Annex club where we used to go dance. For the longest time that was the only place I heard them and I couldn’t find a CD or cassette anywhere. I think the rights to their original releases were all messed up and the original versions were hard to find but I recently found it on iTunes so I guess it’s available now…I just hope the artists are getting the money.

He’ll yeah! I remember seeing that on tv. Cool share.

The Perdix2 is a great computer. I use mine for all the diving I do no matter what equipment configuration I’m diving. For the money it’s amazing and you’ll be able to use it for anything that you ever decide to do. Their customer service is top notch too.

Dive+ can do a pretty decent job. And I think the GoPro app has some editing features and color correction options.

Not a similar as you’d think. The flat surface on the cam lobe and the way the cable was connected made these almost impossible it “seat” in a placement. A good tri-cam placement is a heartwarming bit of trad gear artistry, a nice safe hug on a scary lead, sometimes so solid they get stuck, and an overall joy when they are the only thing that works in a blown pocket or pin scar. These things wouldn’t even catch your attention on the way down. 🤣

But yes. They both cam. Or try to.

Malta? Lots of interesting stuff there.

Spending time in the water. Familiarity with the equipment and working out what works best for me. Being able to relax and feel the subtle improvements as they happen. It’s really my happy place!

But… since classes and coursework are a big part of SCUBA, I really liked the “Dive Theory” course I took from PADI. It’s all online and it was a good way to go a little deeper into the knowledge base.

I’ve worked in backcountry search and rescue and in EMT/First Responder situations. When responding to any situation your priorities are 1-you 2-any responding team members 3-others (public) 4-victim. It doesn’t always work out that way but that’s literally from the JEMS guidelines.

Although dry-land standards are not perfectly applicable to all diving scenarios I would say, “take reasonable precautions to insure your own safety first and then do what you can (within your scope of training) to help the person in need.” Rescue diver courses should do more to emphasize how difficult and dangerous any attempted rescue from depth might be.

Great road movie! It’s interesting because I watched it the first time when I was about 13 or 14 and understood just enough to know I didn’t really get what the movie was about. I loved the ‘55 and I knew James Taylor and Dennis Wilson but grasping the depth of the movie took some age and personal growth. I love a movie or a book that you can revisit as you go through your life.

KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be able to see his eyes because of the Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will be white from inner tension and his pants will be crusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. He will stagger and babble when questioned. He will not respect your badge. The Dope Fiend fears nothing. He will attack, for no reason, with every weapon at his command-including yours. BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a suspected marijuana addict should use all necessary force immediately. One stitch in time (on him) will usually save nine on you. Good luck. -The Chief

I heard a version of Doctor Wu when I was at the dentist. Just the music no vocals. It was appropriately soothing but I kept wanting for “Katie…🎵”

Yep. That I can deal with. This one is about 10% off or more. I was estimating 200-300psi but after comparing it again I’m guessing closer to 500psi or more. And I don’t know if that’s consistent over the whole pressure range or not. So I’ll probably send it back to Poseidon.

Thanks for the discussion!

I compared it to my two swift transmitters and an apex SPG…that’s when I noticed the problem. So as a second opinion I took the whole regulator set in to my LDS and compared it to their fill station. Unfortunately it seems to be a lemon SPG. As others have said, it’s just a SPG but I kind of liked the design and dial face. Very easy to read. Small matter. Thanks

I have an SPG that reads 200psi to 300psi low. Can they be reliable calibrated by a service tech or is it just a bad piece?

It’s a fairly new Poseidon SPG so I hate to just write it off. Any body have any suggestions?


Nope. These are the same on every facet. No taper.