I dont think it can be specified as crushed when it no longer exists.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust its fucking gone.

Ah yes, the permanent concussion.

Fucks sake atleast hit them if you're wasting taxpayer money on ordinance.

Absolutely horseshit do you know how long someone worked to pay for that shitty drone and shrapnel?

Wankers forgot that the wind exists honestly.

The people responsible for the next generation of people's intelligence. You tell me...

Teachers should be paid similarly to doctors. Thats how important they are.

Nvm, I saw someone told me that thisbwas a poster against trumps campaign. I thought trump's team made this and wanted to get votes out of this.

I'd advise this dumbass to go breathe that venus air.

"Soft blue eyes"

Who tf describes someone's eyes like that? This has to be AI generated.

Először eltörni a lábát, ha azután sem tanulta meg és megismétli, levágni.

Vannak megoldások, más kérdés hogy jó-e.

Vagy csak jómagyar módra basznak dolgozni.

Ha az uriember nem is de ez a poszt biztos lakatolva lesz

And when a charger decides to play basketball with you and dunks you into one of these holes.

:timthumb4: BMW M4 GT3

Raw american V8 power Raaaahhhh.

You're a grown ass dwarf, mine the fucking crust.

Machine gun. I like to rip through entire hordes.

So what they just attack you in the middle of a bar? I get that if you're alone with them they might get violent but if there are witnesses its unlikely.

Paris has a catacomb spanning half the city with no issues. Meanwhile my city has a few old and unused sewers underneath it and roads collapsing is a weekly occurrence.

Glad we could have a discussion. Have a nice day!