35% of babies in Manchester are white British. 30% in Birmingham. 25% in Leicester. 33% in London. Does that sound like a country without lots of foreigners to you?

How do you think this country will look in a generations time as things currently stand? It already is a very different place in many parts of the country. Whether you think it's good, bad or neutral, to say the UK doesn't have lots of foreigners is crazy.

Weird to refer to it as brexitland in the context of a mainland European pickpocket.

I can understand for the vague concept of future generations, but less so when it's fucking over your own children. Looking at your little girl and boy and thinking about how going along with this status quo means they will be living a life nowhere near as nice as yours, working harder and living in a worse neighborhood.

Why would they sell their house when they retire?

If the answer is healthcare costs then you're proposing fucking the whole economy forever because of a different industry, rather than addressing the problems with that industry itself.

Besides, it's not like house prices would be crushed by 50% or something even with people YIMBYing a lot. Canada needs to build 300,000 houses just to accommodate an average year's immigration and cause stagnation. If they built 500k houses a year for 10 years the house prices would probably only fall by a few %.

Also if someone bought a house at the absolute peak for $2 million and it fell to $1.5 million when they sold it off, I imagine they won't end up homeless. Houses are cheaper now and they aren't exactly hard up.

I know realistically the only aim can be to halt price growth, because people will never vote for something that exposes them to risk even if it benefits their own children. The compromise is building enough houses for all of the population growth each year, capping immigration where they exceed the housing supply.

If you look at the trend, there is no choice. Houses have gone from 10 years gross salary to 25. They may be able to go up to 40 but there will be a limit. At some point people will be wage slaving from graduation through retirement for their mortgages and can't be exploited any further. At this point the scenario I said in the second paragraph will play out, except instead of it playing out at 25 years salary, it'll take 40 years salary of future generations.

Part of the problem to me is globalisation and a lack of community. Asking someone to take a risk or sacrifice some of their own interest for the good of society doesn't work when nobody knows each other anymore. So the society will continue to rot with the millstone of lifelong mortgages weighing around people's necks.

Romance in China is difficult generally because they listen to and obey their parents above almost all else.

Let's say I am a Chinese guy, and I fall in love with a girl. I ask her to marry me simply because I love her and want to be with her. Now from here in most cases, a bunch of conditions will be set upon me, and none on her. I must buy a house, a car and pay dowry. If my family is somewhat wealthy, this can be huge sums of money. For most people the dowry alone will be a year or more of savings, on top of needing to buy the house and car. Don't forget house prices in China are among the highest in the world relative to income, and you somehow achieve all of this in your 20s.

If I were to say to my girlfriend that I can't do all of these things, all I have for her is love and that I will do my best to provide them with time, that may be enough for her, but it will not be enough for her parents. They will refuse the marriage, she will obey and the marriage will not proceed.

When the culture makes marriage into a quasi-legal agreement with her parents, it is hard to be romantic about the situation. Life is too short to date a bunch of women, get close enough to propose to one and then see whether her parents will reject what you can offer financially.

So a lot of people choose to start the other way around, have parents agree with your financial conditions first, and then see whether these people are compatible with you. Unsurprisingly this leads to people seeing it as more of a business arrangement and not very romantic at all.

Generally guys do tend to be a little bit romantic in high school, when they are being influenced by TV, books etc. By the time they enter their mid-20s that part of them has usually been crushed by the system they try to find a partner in.

You need to explain the ways in which it is or might be in their interest.

If they have children, the children suffer from the effects by not being able to afford a house. If they have multiple children, even if the parents sold their house, their kids will be slaves to mortgages their entire lives. Dooming your descendents to live in poverty for a one off payoff for yourself. And a payoff that you barely realise, as very few people actually cash out, and most just leave the house to their kids when they die anyway.

Then there's the way house prices have fucked the whole economy. When everyone is saving money to get a deposit or paying 1/2 their salary to the bank for 35 years, they can't consume anywhere near as many goods or services. The reason the shops are dead isn't because of the internet, it's because after housing costs, nobody under 50 has any money to spend.

It's also worth remembering that westerners have had similar sentiments before.

Most of the towns in the county I'm from in the UK tore down lots of medieval buildings in the 70s-80s during economic booms to be replaced with brick brutalist rectangles. The same towns now boast their medieval heritage and don't mention that there was a lot more not too long ago.

Most of the smaller henges are mere shadows of their former selves because locals chipped the stone off over the years and used it to build their houses. So many ancient sites have been pillaged up until Victorian times. Look up the Victorian Restoration on Wikipedia.

So perhaps one day China will change their mind about it, if they reach a certain level of wealth. Maybe not. I think because of all of the unrest and revolutions plus everything being wooden means that even if they change their mind one day, there will be virtually nothing left.

但是一般让自己开心的东西也是跟别人有关系的。 一个人,连一个家很难过圣诞节。全国的人一起假装圣诞老人是真的。你会跟朋友,同学,同事和家人交换礼物。你去的每一个商店都在播放圣诞音乐。每个小镇的路上挂着圣诞灯。你在一个没人过圣诞节的国家,一点气氛都没有。我可以在家播放歌曲,我周围的中国人都没听过,不会陪我唱。



我是在中国一共住了10年的英国人,这个点我亲身经历过。 它的意思是你能自由自在地参加社会,没有文化区别,也没有语言障碍。我在中国那么久我还是有点距离感,我认识的中国人都是跟我不一样,但是具体是什么区别我也不知道。交朋友很难因为很少人的思维方式,兴趣爱好等等跟你一样。

到了节日, 我能表演像个中国人,但是里面没有感觉。我贴个对联我没有感觉,我在表演而已,可是我装饰一个圣诞树我有小时候的回忆。我会记得小时候醒过来发现“圣诞老人来了”,我和哥哥都开心极了。也感觉我是持续了我前代的风俗,一个难描述的责任感。

就在国外待着无论你待多久,一直会有一点距离感。估计是因为你小时候的经验是对现在的你的印象非常大, 但是你小时候的环境跟这个地方完全不同了。

I'm not sure whether it's widely taught outside of Gloucestershire, but as kids we learned a nursery rhyme:

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester,
In a shower of rain;
He stepped in a puddle,
Right up to his middle,
And never went there again.

Helps to remember that foster rhymes with Gloucester.

Canada is in a unique situation because of its location. Even now it's not clear what Canada's identity even is. It's politically sort of like a vaguely European country next to the USA, but culturally it's America with government healthcare and no patriotism. In the past it was important to hold onto Britishness to separate themselves from the USA in their identity.

Canada's politicians were very resistant to immigration in the early days of mass migration because their population was mostly British (exc. Quebec) unlike America's mix of Europeans and Africans, and they felt that they would lose their identity as a piece of Britain in North America if they opened the floodgates.

And I'm not saying it's good/bad as I'm not Canadian, but they have lost that original identity and I feel haven't gained another one in its stead.

If you mean as good as the best American TV shows then no. Chinese shows have too many rules limiting their narratives and Taiwanese ones lack the budget to stand a chance. It is just copium to say they are. It's one of the hardest things about learning Chinese - the lack of interesting media to learn from.

If you mean as good as an average flavour of the month American TV show then maybe. But there is no show like Breaking Bad or the Americans or a comedy like It's always sunny or community.

The only exception is if you truly love Chinese culture and that adds a lot to your enjoyment. Some people love ancient China so much that they genuinely enjoy the historic dramas as much as they enjoy anything else.

I do think there are a handful of Chinese films that are genuinely great, but also few and far between.

I'm not American for clarity, just recognise that their TV is by far the best.

I was in the same boat and didn't work or study, or do anything remotely productive from the end of high school until a month before my 23rd birthday. It's wild that it was almost 5 years and yet I really couldn't tell you anything interesting I did, or what the hell I was doing all that time. It's like a black hole. At the time I thought it made me so strange that I'd never be normal again. I know what you're going through and it's not fun.

I don't think there's much point giving you a whole bunch of things you can do to fix your situation because the big problem is you will have lost all self-respect and self-discipline so you will find those things impossible to follow through on.

My advice would be to change environments if possible, and to find something you can stick at, no matter how small. Prove to yourself that you're capable of persevering at something, then use the self-belief you get from that to commit to something slightly larger and scale up from there.

I tried to go back to education after the first year or so, but because I hadn't solved the root causes of why I had been so unproductive, I just failed out of school again. Fix yourself, and then you can fix your situation.

As someone who's been there, you can absolutely come out of this well enough that it will be like it never happened, over the long term.

It's good enough now to watch Netflix etc so people don't really complain, but it's still slow by modern standards. In rural England I have 24mbps currently (3MB/s).




Biggest difference I see is that until 2021 everyone was talking about wanting to buy houses, now nobody is. Even more so now the news about the potential government housing has come out.

Lots of apartments for rent but nobody looking to rent, so prices are falling. Landlords knocking 10-20% off the old prices as a start and people negotiating down further from there.

This is related to people trying to sell houses finding that nobody is buying, so they turn to renting instead and the market has too much supply.

When people I know change jobs they are taking offers that pay lower than their old ones, often from 10k down to 6-7k.

Generally speaking everything is a little worse but nothing crazy. More companies going under than before and more companies making cutbacks, and thinking about efficiency.

In my mind these are still the good times, but people can feel the bad times are coming. Most people are still going to restaurants and the cinema, buying new clothes and electronics, going on holiday etc.

This experience is based on Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

I think the fact very little is done online 'just for the fun of it' now is often overlooked.

Part of the joy of the internet was that it was person-to-person, somewhat intimate.

If there was a website, or someone made a video or a blog post on a topic, often it was because they cared about the subject, or wanted to have their thoughts out there, create a discourse etc.

Now it's rare to come across content that isn't monetised at least. And even something as small as a quick ad read ruins the mood, leaving me wondering whether the poster actually cares about the topic or whether they sat in their room thinking about what that they could talk about long enough to fit in an advert.

If someone discusses something like headphones or laptops, they invariably have affiliate links and free products. Now I don't know whether I can trust their advice but also whether they actually care about it, which again just serves to spoil the atmosphere.

Half the videos are still loaded full of ad-reads, sponsors, patreon, merch announcements etc so it feels like paying for ad-free but only getting half way there. If there was a YouTube Premium that removed all video sponser segments as well as ads, I would consider it.

Given that old folks and young people tend to vote opposite ways, it sounds pretty good to have them cancel each other out.

A little creepy that I bought the same colour Rg35xx and am working through only 2 games at a time, currently Bomberman and Donkey Kong Country... only difference is it's Bomberman Quest for the GBC.


I got a Xiaomi 11 Ultra for the amazing camera, and every now and then it did take great shots. But most of the time, it took very average pictures in auto.

In the end because of its cooling issues, it would get so hot that it needed to cool down after taking 3 minutes of video in 1080p/30fps, which I needed to do often for work so ended up switching to a Galaxy S23, which never blows my mind with great photos but is super consistent. Average photo quality is much higher even with smaller lenses.

Definitely checking it out and also check out Nesmaker, thanks for sharing the links! I've always wanted to make a platformer like that. How long did it take you, and was this your first project?

General advice is to enjoy yourself and take breaks when you get frustrated. If you're really struggling late game with tougher bosses you can look into getting Tears of Denial as a crutch. A passive playstyle against Dancer and just waiting for her to do the easily punished attacks can help avoid getting stonewalled at her for a long time if you aren't very familiar with her moveset.

DS3 is the best SL1 by far imo. Lots of viable weapons and difficulty is right in the sweet spot. Enjoy it!

Yeah... I just happened to give up on emulating the GameCube version and am 2/3 through the GBA port and now it gets released for Android proper. What timing. GBA port is really surprisingly similar given the gulf in processing power.