Upvote for controlled demo.

Not touch of thunder.

Controlled demo needs love and would’ve been awesome with all abilities

First thing I crafted. Love autos. Love 720’s the MOST. Good perks Neeeeed stasis let’s go!!

wtf is this cat engine I’m holding taking away half my screen?

Put away never touching again. Same with many things. Verity’s brow. All those rusty moss weapons.

Fashion game is half the game to me Unfortunately

Wait what in the actual? Cooldowns on a class no one uses. Whole class is on cooldown Bungie.

I didn’t even know this. This is mad crazy. Stasis rework, shards a whole ass aspect still, prismatic takes all the best with no penalty, and stasis a whole ass ass still gtk.

Probably a PvP balance I’m almost certain was the case at this point. No way this was balanced that way for PvE.

Agree. But it would need to scale to fireteam imo. It’s already kinda ez unless they throw a 20 enemies at you at once. Which is a cool way to handle it. But even with just regular matchmaking, it’s a stomp. To the point I can’t even shoot enemies before they are gone.

I liked Neonuma tho. So probably in the minority. Saying that, I think The best way to handle it would be “world tiers” that scale with rewards. Which Neonuma didn’t have, and probably was at what a part of the reasoning for the negative feedback on patrol damage scaling. Give me better reward, I’m with all the difficulty to get them. Aspiring.

Yeah. I played it once. They should go least left focusing in. That was the whole evolution of the loot grind.

Going back to Menagerie. Why was that not always the way. Completely obv we love it? And solves their not everyone can have the best weapon in the game for free problem. Only the real gamers and grinders. And a reason to look forward to loot/drops! Again.

Also I hate crafting. Obviously.

Just put double drops back. Idk what was so bad about dual drops in dual destiny for teaming up with your class brethren.

You are crucible guidebook at its finest. Great discussion! Learned a lot. Just here to salute you. 🫡

Noob Atmos - Console Question.:Engine: Product Help

I just bought the Steelseries Nova 7x. Usually when outputting Dolby Atmos content. My (LG g3) TV will display as such in the signal info. However when using the headset, it just shows as PCM. Is this normal? and TV will only know where the signal is going if to a directly connected sound bar?

I don't know how to tell if headphones are outputting Atmos. I wish the headphones had Atmos light to reassure me. Xbox atmos app shows "ready".

If anyone knows, thx! I like to seem damage numbers and output signals :) just to confirm. As sometimes even with Dolby Vision games/TV, here and there I have to power off and on the soundbar to get the signal to switch to Atmos. Want to make sure that's not happening.

Ya zen & Pi in the same column kinda killed any incentive it would of had for me to grind personally.

Dredgen was my first. IB one easy too. Probably some seasonal or event ones as well.

Nah just out double perks on master. And or a way to get double drops / focus drops. Or even just remove armor in normal mode past first drops Nobody wants armor. Ridiculous. It’s a dungeon. With the cool weapons.

We rarely get special options. Outside of glaives :/ and I guess sidearms now.

Agree. Was pretty excited as love model sound all that, but with scintillation being stacked.. what happened here? Alas I digress, there’s so much power creep in this game. They kinda got themselves in a corner. Idk how they keep it all going up & up...up up more.

Yeah. I just been playing Hunter in most everything. All good, got my Hunter to pinnacle and she needed some love on all the exotics dropping in GMs.

Note: this “bug” whether they’re getting too much , or we are getting too little. It’s happing in most all playlists.


Actually throughout the year I use most of them. I can’t stand using the same weapon for more than a few days or weeks at a time. And once a month or two, I go through and mass delete weapons and armor.
Usually 50 or so. Anything I haven’t used in a year, unless it’s unique roll hits to go. Playing PvP, and PvE, rotating through three fully kitted characters, and more and more crafted weapons at level 20.
rN Right now it’s full of infusion nonsense. Bc I just hit pinnacle last night.

Tbh idk how people use the same weapons non stop. I’m probably an anomaly that I use most of it. And have dozens of builds. Without variety I get bored. Fast. And anything I don’t use for a few months goes. For instance I don’t have a single sunset weapon or anything probably without a (frame perk) in there. I even delete fully Mw weapons and armor all the time. It ain’t a case of non use with me

That’s good to know. I haven’t even done the mission yet. Just afraid form swing peoples vaults with full pages of the same class item.

Just finished FS, pinnacle, GM grind, was going to hit up the mission next week! I also play all 3 characters. Sounds like I just have to get maybe 10-20 spots or so open then. Doable

Yeah I’m at 699 vault. FS added dozens of new weapons and well over a 100 exotic armors…

There wasn’t another way? Than filling up vaults with slightly diff versions of the same exotic?

The multiple perk thing really needs to be expanded upon. Happy for the enhanced stuff


Oh no I can’t one phase raid bosses with the same load out for the next hundred years.

The horror. And this is coming from someone currently on a MH leave from work for social anxiety/ptsd.

You can even do it with NO mic. I’ve done it many times no mic LFG. Are you serious w this nonsense. People have real issues in life .. and you over here going on about 2more mins in a video game.

Find another loadout I’m sure you can do it. And if not. This is really what people go on about in the first world? Holy

(Also. Keyboards are great for days I don’t feel like talking. Or I just play a diff activity.)

If an AR at top, nerf it right guys!?!

Khvostov actually needed it. But funny how that always goes.

Probably because it wasn’t as big a hit as coil and itl as you think it was? It probably was to you.

And it’s hard to view the the world removing perspective

Yes. It’s a problem.

Besides speaker helm. There’s almost no reason to run anything else. And taking away surges just made that problem worse. Might as well prismatic everything then if no specific class is surged.

If I get Euphony. Some exceptions. Mostly due to artifact tho. Void weakening etc.

I need know where to look for anything anymore. I just wish it was consistent. Took me like 10 mins of guessing my time on wish debuff in Warlords ruin; before I saw it at top of screen. I guess im not sure what goes where now