Nahh, ansbach is a perfect example of how forceful it is, he took a guy that would never in a million years go a long with his plan and at the same time of making him forget his lord, he somehow thought he could not fight anymore

And then there are the bewitching branches, or that thing that happens when radahn grabs you twice, this doesn’t seem very suggestive

You can dislike radahn but it still makes objectively more sense than Godwyn in every capacity, and this post merely enforces that fact. So be unhappy, it’s your right, but be unhappy in truth

Probably a different creator considering the death flame n shit

Look at the bloodfiends and the areas associated with them, also read items associated.We don’t have to sanitize the formlesses mothers blood cult shenanigans to say Mohg was a victim.

You can not like it, that’s perfectly fine, but it still makes more sense than the guy whose soul got annihilated

They really desperately want rukia, so they make up anything

How specifically would rihito or okubo hold off their opponents? Even at their weakest one is unhinged to the max with a flashlight and one even as a corpse has a one shot move set. Especially rihito, he’d have to do a no hit run!

Bruh, his soul is HIM, what’s there to transfer if his souls gone and his body literally being some death merman thing.this also isn’t an easy set up considering the attempt to revive (so they could kill him entirely mind you) failed. Not wanting radahn is one thing, but there’s no actual basis for Godwyn coming to life in any capacity beyond the deathblight

Even moreso, using RCT to destroy pieces of your brain and regenerating it to get your ct back

These mfs are brain surgeons!

Well thankfully we don’t live in a reality where that will ever be the case

Animation needs money, sky is blue

You’re spitting facts but something about “alas, I AM RETURNED” hits different

This sounds like a privileged take tbh, we can sit here and espouse morals all day but when it comes down to it, quitting a job when you don’t have one lined up can be detrimental, especially if you have mouths to feed and people to support, including yourself

Yeah they put the guy with a soul inside a soulless body, not exactly rocket science

Even fantasy worlds abide some logic, this is why people hand wave “reasonable” (self serving) theories

That’s not even prime radahn based on size alone

If he had reason for being there and had a whole new set of abilities I wouldn’t be bothered

I think that’s a strange parameter given on a mechanical level, which is what we experience the most, this is an entirely new fight