I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

Que: “Apparently, the first apple that created this hellhole”

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

Que: huh… usually, I like smoking, but I do not think this one in particular my type.

Give him a angelic spike helmet then we have an angelic angel spear

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

You honestly did amazing 👏😊

Yeah, but instead of just making them hate themselves or feel negative about themselves. It’s just sadness, sorrow, and grief

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que


Here’s Que, he’s nothing too complicated but I hope you do have fun with them nonetheless

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

I mean, whenever I post something of my character it barely gets like 7 upvotes so yeah that’s why I’m not really considering him as a popular character

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

I was also contemplating something similar, but I’m not sure if Que is even a known enough character to even consider that

It took me to read to figure out they swap hats

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

Que: I’m just sitting with him

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

Que chocked on his blood as his head was still getting based until he died of suffocation of his own blood

I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

I’m still figuring human Que out, I have an idea in my head but still trying to

Healing VoiceEmitter Quirk
Quirk Name: Healing Voice

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description:
Healing Voice is an emitter-type quirk that allows its user to heal themselves or others by simply talking, singing, or even humming.

Quirk Abilities:

  1. Vocal Healing: The user’s voice can emit healing energy that mends wounds, alleviates pain, and accelerates recovery from injuries.
  2. Self-Healing: The user can heal their own injuries by speaking, singing, or humming to themselves.
  3. Remote Healing: The user can heal others from a distance as long as their voice can be heard.
  4. Emotional Soothing: The user’s voice has a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety, which can indirectly aid the healing process.

Quirk Weaknesses:

  1. Energy Drain: Continuous use of the quirk can exhaust the user, requiring rest to recover their vocal and physical strength.
  2. Volume Dependency: The effectiveness of the healing depends on the volume and clarity of the user’s voice; a weakened voice results in reduced healing power.
  3. Distraction Vulnerability: If the user’s concentration is disrupted while using the quirk, the healing effect can be diminished or interrupted.
  4. Limited Range: The healing effect is limited to the range at which the user’s voice can be heard clearly, making it less effective in noisy or large environments.
ScryingEmitter Quirk
Quirk Name: Scrying

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description:   Scrying is an emitter-type quirk that enhances the user's vision, allowing them to perceive information beyond normal human capabilities.

Quirk Abilities:

  1. Extended Sight: The user can see distant objects, persons, or locations far beyond normal visual range.

  2. X-Ray Vision: The user can see through inanimate objects like walls, doors, and containers, but cannot see through living beings.

  3. Enhanced Perception: The user can see through obscured conditions such as fog, smoke, darkness, or any visual obstructions. They can also perceive invisible or camouflaged entities.

  4. Remote Viewing: The ability to focus on a specific location or person and observe what's happening there in real-time, regardless of distance.

  5. Clairvoyant Insight: The user can acquire information about someone or something by focusing their quirk, gaining insights beyond physical senses.

Quirk Weaknesses:

  1. Energy Drain: Extended or intense use of the quirk can exhaust the user quickly, requiring periods of rest to recuperate.

  2. Sensory Overload: Processing too much visual or informational input at once can lead to headaches, temporary vision impairment, or disorientation.

  3. Duration Limits: Maintaining heightened visual capabilities and remote viewing is taxing, limiting continuous use without breaks.

  4. Range Constraints: There may be a maximum effective range for remote viewing and clairvoyant insights, requiring the user to be within a certain distance of their target.

Shun Shun No MiParamecia
Devil Fruit: Grief Grief Fruit

Type: Paramecia

The Grief Grief Fruit is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants its user the ability to induce a state of sorrow on themselves or others, making them a Woeful Human.

Abilities and Powers:
  1. Induce Sorrow: The user can create an overwhelming sense of grief and sadness in others, causing emotional distress and weakening their resolve.

  2. Emotional Manipulation: The user can control the intensity and duration of the sorrow they inflict, ranging from mild sadness to deep despair.

  3. Empathic Connection: The user can absorb and experience the grief of others, giving them insight into their emotional state and possibly using it to strengthen their own abilities.

  4. Grief Aura: The user can emit an aura of sorrow that affects everyone within a certain radius, making them feel woeful and lethargic.

  5. Grief Constructs: The user can manifest physical constructs made of concentrated sorrow, such as barriers or projectiles, to use in combat.

Usage Examples:
  • Tears of Despair: The user releases a wave of sorrowful energy that causes enemies to break down in tears and lose the will to fight.
  • Sorrowful Embrace: The user envelops an opponent in a hug of despair, draining their emotional strength and leaving them vulnerable.
  • Melancholy Shield: The user creates a shield made of solidified grief to block attacks.
  • Wail of Woe: The user lets out a sorrowful cry that echoes in the minds of enemies, disrupting their focus and coordination.
  • Emotional Backlash: Absorbing too much grief can overwhelm the user, causing emotional instability and reducing their ability to fight effectively.
  • Empathy Overload: The user may become too attuned to the emotions of others, making it difficult to distinguish their own feelings from those they have absorbed.
  • Standard Devil Fruit Weaknesses: The user cannot swim and is vulnerable to Seastone, which nullifies Devil Fruit powers.
  • Resilient Minds: Those with strong mental fortitude or resistance to emotional manipulation may be less affected by the user's abilities..
I like Yorkies! Creator of Que

Que: you look like you need psychological help