Compassion of living things for other things will eventually win over hate because it is the desire that we naturally see as superior. But it will be goddamn difficult to get there, as it has been so far.

We owe much to our disgust at our own hate.

she immoral on my horny till i philosophize

Esansiyalist felsefeden dolayı. Erkek, erkeklerle özdeşleştirdiğimiz ama aslında kendi içinde bağımsız karakteri olan özelliklerin bir araya gelmesinden değil de erkeklik özünden oluşuyosa tabi ki erkeklerin kadın olabileceğini düşünmessin. Din, siyaset, sanat, kültürün birçok yerine adeta musallat olmuştur bu felsefe. Irk genlerden coğrafyadan kültürden değil beyazlık veya siyahlık hatta türklük kürtlük gibi esanslardan oluşur, iyilik iyi esansından kötülük kötülük esansından oluşur vb. Buna samimi olarak inanmayanlar da inananlar kolay kontrol edildiği için inanır gibi yaparlar.

Evreni kompleks ilişkiler olarak gören birine x kişisinin kötü olduğunu söylersen sana neden öyle söylediğini sorar adam akıllı bi cevap vermek zoruna kalırsın ama esansiyalistleri ikna etmek kolaydır çünkü adamın zaten sorgusuz sualsiz kötü olduğuna inandığı bir takım bağıntılar vardır x kişisine bunu bi şekilde takabildiğin sürece esansiyalist direk inanır sana. Ondan sonra da aksine inandırılabilmesi için en büyük değerlerine sığınman gerekir yani aslında x kişisinin Allah tarafından desteklendiğini ve önceki hikayenin de büsbütün yalan olduğunu söylemek falan gibi.


Allah nasıl görünüyodu

evil people when they reduce themselves to base urges and then ask why you're behaving as if you have some moral high ground

on the one hand I think homelander is straight, but he is sexually attracted to himself, so...

the tiny strait that gives access to the big sea.

Earth is crazy in terms of this kind of coincidence. Certainly the craziest is the fact that we get full eclipses.

"religion is about blind faith"

"no that's just christianity"

no, as someone who was born and lived all his life in a majority muslim country (turkey), i feel like this is probably just the interpretation of the more ignorant part of the population of each religion. every religion has some people saying that obviously you should have doubts and ability to approach situations from other perspectives (based), and some people who say you shouldn't even ask questions (cringe). the latter also gives people like those over at r/atheism reason to think that a tool for controlling society is all religions are. they're poor people who don't even realize that they're just making themselves easier to use.

they should add a copper quality feature to metallurgy 5 just so we can make ea nasir jokes without using bricks.

his best piece of clothing is his skirt. he looks best when he's in nothing but his skirt and maybe his sandals. but i guess that doesnt really answer the question when he is "most dripped out". i wouldnt know about that.

Yeah. To some extent Minus One as a whole makes me feel like it's a movie about real events rather than some script some guy wrote totally off his ass. And yeah there's already the connection to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but I don't know, somehow the actual events you're seeing on screen feels impossibly true to life.

Meanwhile some films that have no supernatural or fantastic elements whatsoever fail completely to have me convinced. What a contrast.

if you're a "i don't care" kinda nihilist it's easy. if you're a "i am horrified by the lack of meaning" kind though, not gonna happen.


what do you mean when you say we do psychological violence? like people being assholes? most of the time you can ignore this, can't really ignore being beaten or whipped for a minor crime. things get more serious when they happen within families though.

being vulnerable is usually a good thing when you are with people you trust. of course it's good to keep more reserved about people you don't trust.

and i feel like if you think masturbation is worse than just not letting out your emotions at all than you're underestimating how bad extreme emotional repression can be for you, if you repress that hard i bet you're gonna get actual physical health problems in no time. you know, die in your 40s and shit like that as op said. so it's definitely not just "neck pain".

i live in an area without trains, are they more expensive than buses?

honestly tomo is more an inspirational figure to me than like, sexual.

ah. nothing beats the good old talk or cry, but there are alternatives. just pick your poison. video games, porn, masturbation, substance abuse. sports and creative work seem to work for some people as better alternatives but i never got it. and there's a bunch of other stuff. you can repress your emotions and many people do but no one actually lives without any way to let it out at all. most methods just tend not to work as well as being vulnerable to other people and getting comforted by them, as i said.

at least we don't do violence for fun anymore like people historically did. it's sad that hunting still exists to some extent though.

Minus one. Watching him attack Ginza in that film feels like witnessing a religious spectacle. Like Vishnu destroying the world or something. Godzilla under broad daylight in the middle of the city feels like you're seeing the impossible happen.

why is it always the train

nah i like him too he's a real bro deep down

fantasies are not reality, there must be a reason if you have trouble keeping them apart.

there has to be a way to tell stories in games that isn't this or

cinematic cutscene - gameplay (with party banter) - cinematic cutscene - gameplay (with party banter) - puzzle where one of the characters tells you the solution immediately

and i say that as a person who likes games in both of those styles