You still get paid if you don't want to use your 2nd arm, but it will pay you randomly sometimes even still full pay, but normally it is half. If the phlebotomists aren't telling you that, then the managers need to know. It's your body, your arm. I don't have to stick you unless you want me to. I highly recommend it so you can get red blood cells and saline back, but my ass ain't gonna force you. I still get paid and you'll still get somewhat pay, now if you say yes to me sticking your 2nd arm, but it clots while I'm doing that, you still get full pay. You were gonna let me stick the other arm. If something is wrong with your 1st stick and I don't think that I have time to do a 2nd or don't want to give you a bad experience, I'll return cells and saline, if not, I'll give red blood cells back of possible or do a RBC loss if you don't have one already solely for the sake of your experience donating.

Some centers have better yields and efficiencies so they can afford just paying out, but not all centers are the same. SOPs technically say we're supposed to swap arms if at all possible. My center is extremely efficient and we still will try to turn go to the other arm, but if you're dehydrated there's 0 point in going to you'll other arm for you so sit on the machine for 1 and a half and us waste time going through with a 2nd stick that has a high probability of clotting in the line if we even try to do a 2nd needle.

Because your blood is thick. Pulling it through a needle via sucking it which is what the machine does is harder than pushing it back in. You'll see sticks have great returns, but shit flow. Normally means you're dehydrated especially if I see lot of red blood cells stuck to your reservoir.

Please don't listen to this guy......

He's telling you to not drink water before donating....

Always drink water. If you're having issues with low protein levels, it's either due to a health issue, or your body is consuming that protein as energy and you're not consuming enough to replace it.

Your body doesn't concentrate your proteins the less water you drink. If that were true, then drinking water would fix proteinuria (which is having high concentrations of protein in your urine). All that does is make your blood thicker because it's a higher concentration of red blood cells. That in return is a raised hematocrit level. It doesn't change your protein levels. You'll actually lose protein because your body is working harder. You have to eat more protein and sometimes it can be a sickening amount depending on your activity levels and your body in general.

Everybody's bodies are totally different and there is no hack that just solves your low protein problems. Make sure you're eating a protein rich diet, but also making sure to eat more if you're super active. If that's not working, then consult your PCP. DO NOT STOP DRINKING WATER LIKE THIS IDIOT IS TRYING TO TELL YOU.

Technically speaking, I'm legally allowed to P'D him on the spot due to an ethics concern for his ass lying on EDQ questionnaires multiple times..... And fun fact, he's doxxed himself.....

It is possible that the machine kept going after the last cycle. I have had a few machines mess up and do that, but it's really rare too. Now, as for your reaction and why you had it, think of it kinda like a panic attack. The machine keeps going and you're like, "wtf" well your body doesn't like that and it freaks out all on its own. Your BP drops and basically what you just said happens. Your arm being double in size? That's probably from some sort of infiltration whether it be from the stick or saline. Think of it like this, when your arm is angled downwards, the blood is traveling down towards your hand so if you have an infiltration it'll naturally leak downwards. However, I'm not 100% sure so I can't be definitive as to what happened. If you're worried, go and see the MSS staff in person and let them check you out or see an Urgent Care facility. As to the phlebotomists not watching their sections, you should probably talk to a manager about that. Reactions can be serious, thank goodness you were fine, but they need someone watching donors at all times so that they can catch stuff happening and it's literally because of reactions. I've seen some crazy ass reactions happen and not being there for those people they would have died from them being serious ones. So this is a pretty serious matter.

So you probably have an infiltration. It's basically a little tiny leak in your vein leaking into your surrounding tissues. It's normally nothing serious, but it will probably bruise. If you're super worried, then definitely see an Urgent care facility and see what they say. You should be okay though, don't put any heat on it until tomorrow, but for now just ice it.

Yes, citrate does bond with calcium, but that's not what prevents reactions. That prevents the side effects of the anti-coagulant. Most reactions are known as either Hypotensive (mainly this one too) or hypertensive vasovagal reactions. It's normally due to your body going into shock essentially and your blood pressure tanks. Thats the most common. You CAN have a sodium citrate reaction, but they're extremely rare and I've never even personally seen one, but they do exist. I've only seen a couple hypertensive reactions since they're not super common either. When people have side effects after donating it's from their body essentially recovering from a lower blood volume and being nutrient starved. If you can prove someone is having a citrate reaction, tums can help, but more often than not they won't really do much other than prevent the tingling and metal taste, but you still might even get the metallic taste from the saline.

You do know that's a pretty recent trend right? Our education system was actually pretty good back in the early 2000s. The drop started around 2012/2013.

Fun fact, tums actually doesn't help at all. We at Biolife did a study and found it doesn't even help with any reactions you might have from donating.

If you're wanting to prevent diarrhea, pepto bismol is the way to go instead, however you are right about a more dense meal before donating.

Protein dense meals help your body recover and can reduce that crappy feeling you get from donating because funny enough, plasma is mostly water and proteins.

It's a different country. Plasma donation in the US compared to any other country is VASTLY different. Europe is EXTREMELY strict when it comes to donating plasma. Thats why the US produces 75%+ of all the world's plasma due to strict regulations everywhere else, but that's also why people with IVDF seek treatment in the US because it can be cheaper here compared to some other 3rd world countries (even though it's definitely not cheap as it is, it's hella fkin expensive).

No, normally you won't be deferred unless it's your pulse or blood pressure being too high or too low too many times. Never heard of someone being deferred due to low hematocrit. Just keep trying and make sure you're eating iron enriched foods and a overall healthy diet.

So after the new donor coupon ends, you go to a weekly pay cycle. The first donation typically stays the same at $40 and the 2nd donation of the week is typically anywhere between $50 - $100. Also, not everyone has the same pay structure. It use to be that way, but they changed it late last year so now an AI decides pay based on how frequently you donate and do you miss donations that you schedule, etc.... So one week you might be getting $40/$85 and someone else is getting $40/70 or vice versa. In the app it should tell you how much you'll get for each donation during the week.

The most important thing is that Monday restarts the pay to the next week. So you need to donate two times in between Monday and Sunday, you can't donate Thursday of one week and then do Monday of the next week and still get full payment. It will pay you $40 for each donation. So you want to instead of starting of with Thursday, start with Monday and then Thursday. It can be confusing sometimes. Not trying make it confusing, we phlebotomists even have trouble with it sometimes.

Biolifes closed on Mondays are because they don't have a big enough donor pool to be open the full 7 days a week. However, ones who are only closed on Mondays are normally only a couple years out from opening up on that day too.

Now, regarding an RBC loss. If they were able to return saline then they had to have return your red blood cells with the machine. It won't let you return just saline unless you do a manual saline and they push down the clamps and prevent it from giving you back your cells (this is at least for centers using Aurora and Aurora Xi models, they're the ones that are standing upright, NexSys are the table top ones and I'm not certified in those unfortunately since I've never used one).

If they tried calling you and it was your fourth donation, it most likely had something to do with your SPE test that they did on your first donation. Technically speaking, I would be able to see any deferrals on your account with your name, but this being the internet I'm not playing that game because of privacy and HIPPA reasons, so my only recommendation is just to call back on Tuesday and see what it is they wanted. It most likely has nothing to do with what happened, or maybe it does and they wanted to check up on you, but it's most likely about your SPE test and nothing more than that I'm assuming at least. Won't know unless you call back. Normally if it's really important they'll leave a voicemail.

Super close. Tornado season peak is around May 4th - 10th, and then kinda like you said the heat in June hits so hard that the tornados get eaten alive

Huh? I had the most refined, but also privatized, mine rogue decklist.I even have a post on another account on the main HS subreddit from July 2022 apologizing and got 5000 down votes lmfao. My current version, still to this day hasn't been publicly published nor has the exact decklist appeared online. If you knew how the deck progressed, you'd know that it wasn't even barely played until idiots tried doing a Teron version that saw some play during summer of 2022, but it was too slow for the meta. The OG version got destroyed when Renathal first launched because of the 40 hp demon hunter decks. It went from an 80% wr to a less than 50% because of Renathal. Even with the Renathal nerf it wasn't really good. When Renathal rotated this year to wild, it dropped in play rate and mine rogue got to see better play rates and win rates. You'd also know that. I didn't follow or innovate the deck? I have all of my versions accessible on my hsreplay tracker. I'm sorry that you're ass hurt and think I had no involvement. There's also another ass hurt wild user who comments frequently who has tried to deny me from mine rogue as well and he got ass hurt when I told him that I had the first published version on HearthPwn becuase he's like, "no we have a shitty rogue forum where we talk." I even had my deck published before the first "pro" player.

Also, my dragon soul deck has 0 other versions of it available. Whatever deck you're referring to isn't what I'm talking about. This is a newer deck based from the Showdown at the Badlands expansion. Not with some shitty Dragon legendary that gives you an extra turn.

Last but not least, a deck that gives infinite turns isn't healthy for the game. I'm sorry. It's true. Just because a deck doesn't have a good win rate doesn't mean the playstyle is healthy for the game. Just like Linecracker druid. Not healthy for the game. Just lime Big Priest. Not healthy for the game. Just like Pillager Rogue. Not healthy for the game. Mine Rogue, my creation? NOT HEALTHY FOR THE GAME.

I'm sorry that you can't get your thick skull around this idea. That's your loss and not mine.

Or, think about this, the health of the game? Or did I make the og way gate player upset? It doesn't matter if it's turn 1 or turn 30. Infinite combos preventing your death or your opponent from interacting with you shouldn't exist period. Has nothing to do with my decks being bad. I was responsible for mine rogue on day 1 of Sunken Voyage. Yeah. I know what BS is. I also have another deck that I will not share with anyone that is very disgusting with an unhealthy play pattern and it involves dragon soul of all cards. All I do is make decks for needs like you to abuse. So I know a thing or two when it comes to card game balance regarding hearthstone

However, id need some more context

Yeah most pasta you buy uses enriched flour. You can still eat pasta though. Just make sure it's not enriched at all. Typically that'll be your more expensive brands though. It'll say on the nutrition label enriched flour instead of bread flour/wheat flour.

I wouldn't use shrooms at all after donating becuase that can throw you into a Hypotensive vasovagal reaction and cause your blood pressure to drop due to the already immense stress your body is taking and you probably wouldnt be waking up from that one fam. I wouldn't even do it the day after either. It'd really be best to avoid them if you plan on donating plasma long term just due to the effects they can have on your body not including what happens to your body when its trying to recover from donating.

Nah working out isn't gonna decrease your hematocrit. You want to drink more water, lessen the amount of iron enriched foods. Stay away from cereals and fortified breads because they tend to be iron fortified and can have quite a lot of your DV in them. Less red meats and more meats like chicken and turkey. You want lean meats like chicken breast, tenderloins, turkey breast, etc... It can take a few weeks to see a noticeable decrease too. Don't take daily supplement vitamins.

It'll almost always raise it because your body uses your plasma to circulate things your body needs to replenish itself so it'll use plasma to do that thus making your hematocrit a higher ratio of red blood cells to plasma.

So the thing is, you don't want circulation to the area. More circulation brings more blood and makes a bigger bruise if you have an infiltration. That's why you don't put heat until after 24 hours because heat will increase inflammation and bring more blood to the area too soon and make the bruise bigger. Now, after 24 hours, more blood helps break up the old blood cells much faster and heals the bruise a lot quicker.

Now, you probably won't see a bruise if you don't have an infiltration. An infiltration is when you have blood leaking from your vein into your arm. Those normally cause the super big bruises you see people getting. Hematomas actually cause a good portion of your blood to clot the area and can help prevent an infiltration, but not always guaranteed. However, that is why your normally see smaller bruises with hematomas because no extra blood is leaking into the area.

Fun fact, if you lift weights after donations, then you have a good chance of actually causing muscle breakdown rather than gains. If you workout before donating, your body will end up using all of your proteins so it can artificially affect your hematocrit and your total protein levels. You really wanna separate the days you donate and workout. Now, cardio is a bit different. Its not really there for gains, but for losses or endurance training. Cardio will mainly just affect your heart rate. It can take a couple hours for your heart rate to completely relax from cardio sessions, however the more cardio you do the more efficient your heart becomes and it can actually lower your pulse rate and help with high pulses in the long run. So if you stick with just cardio workouts, it'll eventually not be much of an issue.

The dangers of working out after donating is having a hypotensive vasovgal reaction or a hypertension vasovagal reaction due to stress you're putting on your body. The first is when your blood pressure drops and the other is when it rises. Both of em make you feel like shit with almost the exact same symptoms. You get light headed, maybe you get extremely cold or hot, and your vision starts to fade a bit and see stars and then you pass out. Not recommended lol. Some people will go, "but I did it and was fine" which can be the case, but it's still a risk that's not worth to take, especially if your workout tend to be secluded from other people where outsiders could get you medical attention.

Samples are always taken on first donations, but with shipping and test results it can take up to two weeks to place a reactive on a donor if they test poditive for something. So, a new donor has the possibility to donate up to 4 times before those results come back and the FDA allows them to continue donating for 14 days from their first SPE test, afterwards if the results aren't back, they have to redo the test. So the possibility of interacting with a positive donor is relatively significant. Our centers keep track of the percentages and at one point it got up to around 20% of our newer donors having an infectious disease (mainly due to syphilis which can be highly contagious without having sex with people, especially if they don't wash their hands and have sores). So unfortunately, there really is a definitive risk.