Turkey. Definitely the turkey

He has a face like a slapped arse

Ha ha ha 😂😂😂 Maybe l find this so funny because l am seriously antisocial

I’m glad you agree with me and yes, perhaps others can’t see the worms because of low def but it’s very plain that they are wriggling worms if you can see them

Instead of pointing the camera at them, go get them some snacks and make friends

She’s very happy and content and is acting a bit silly

I’m sorry you lost your little friend. Happy birthday beautiful ginger cat! 🌈❤️🎂 xx

Can nobody see the worm wriggling?? It’s not dispersal, it’s a live creature wriggling, making those ripples. It eventually floats to the edge and anchors there and so the ripples stop, but l can see it’s still moving as if it’s breathing. There are two of them, you can see them at 11 o’clock and 4 o’clock after the second alcohol dumping

So where’s your wriggling 8” long worm?

Oh, and l thought it was a dik dik

Oh that’s great news! Please keep us posted, we need to know you’ve arrived safely. Big hugs to you and your kittycat 😊

Well l guess that’s a risk you take hanging out on a 7th floor ledge