the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

One of my friends had quadruplets. That's my vote. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

It's always the "but the baby's innocent" shit. Yeah, ALL babies are innocent, that doesn't mean you get to drop them off at my house to raise. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

I cannot be the only person that wants go chloroform this chick and toss her in a wide river. I refuse to believe I'm alone. 

She knows, they go extremely in depth with what they offer to the point that people who have no association with the military know all about it. 

Being a victim doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of protecting your children. It IS obvious to her, she's written about it all over these comments. She wants someone to tell her what to do to stop this, but doesn't want to face the fact that she's the only one who can stop it. Or rather, she's the only one who can stop it while retaining custody of her son. Because she admits when her son's dad finds out, he's going to take the custody that she barely got before. She would rather her child be abused with her than safe with his dad. I am running very low on sympathy here. 

So you're afraid if your ex finds out you're letting your son be abused, you'll lose custody? You should be. You're making life decisions right now, including whether your son stops seeing you when he turns 18. Do you think for 1 second that he'll be visiting you if he had to tolerate his piece of shit stepfather to do it? My dad didn't see me between the ages of 16-26 until he divorced my stepmother. Not one visit or phone call for 10 years. I regret that now that he's dead, but regret doesn't actually do anything. Think of how much you'll have in 10 years if you don't get your head on and figure it out. 

Oh, ok. So she's mad that your dad is paying child support because she raw dogged 2 losers who refuse to pay anything. Well, maybe she should have paid better attention to her birth control or just had higher standards for men. We know she certainly hasn't raised them considering she thought a married dude was the way to go. I really hope you're taking all these life lessons to heart, and that the result of this is that you're a better person because you've got great examples of what not to be. You're going to be fine, your dad is going to cheat on her too eventually. 

If he's dead, she gets SSI payments for those kids until they turn 18. And if he's not, then he should be coughing up for those extracurriculars.  ETA: nvm, it's 2 different guys and they're both deadbeats. So she's jealous that someone else is getting child support. Color me shocked. 

"It's not a good look to fuck somebody's husband then try to bully their child". Those are the only words that you need to speak to her for the rest of your life. She should have gotten child support for her own 2 kids then they wouldn't have these problems. 

No, that's not what I'm talking about lol. I'm talking about the doctors who don't believe their kid even has a broken arm at all (the girl from last week who's arm was literally bent at an angle and her mom still insisted it was just a sprain) or who don't believe their kid has strep until they're in the hospital with scarlet fever. Being cold and clinical like your mom is one thing, your kids having body parts hanging off and you still say nothing is wrong is what I'm talking about. I have several friends who are nurses and they're mostly like your mom, which I appreciate because I can tell that they're being open and honest. But I'm guessing you never needed stitches only to have your mom tell you it's just a scratch and to get over it. And I'm glad that's your experience with your mom, she sounds like a consummate professional. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

I was so relieved when she said it was a typo lmao. Because I had to do the math and it was something like 12 times an hour. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

That's confusing for me, especially since she specifically said he tightly controls the finances and she has to ask him for money. It doesn't fit. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

Oh, they definitely will. I know she doesn't have a lot of money, but my sister's office has contracts with PI's and forensic accountants and I hope her attorney does too. There's no way he's not financially supporting that woman. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

I live in a very small town. My grandmother used to tell me stories about when they first got phones in town, etc that it was a party line and all you had to do was basically pick up the phone,  and anybody in town would be there already talking about everybody else in town. We don't have party lines anymore but that energy is there lol. All I have to do is go schmooze a few of the old ladies who run various shops around town, and I've got all the info I need for anything. And since my ex MIL works at city hall, my uncle is the police chief, my FIL listens to his police scanner all day, and my sister has a law practice and knows everybody in 4 counties, I can have a full story from all angles in like 10 minutes lol

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

Yeah when I read that I just thought "oh no". I'm very concerned about this girl. She seems... idk exactly, overly cheerful for the situation and trying to reassure us, which is not a normal reaction and worrying. 

the Christian youth group is apparently hunting me

Warning shots are stupid, your warning is the knowledge that you are committing a crime and you may be shot while doing it. You keep shooting, you don't stop at 1 or 2. If someone kicks in my door, they will die on my kitchen floor and that's just the end of it. 

It's not beside the point though, because without the other couple there is no trip. And you have hundreds of people telling you that you're just flat out being an asshole, and it's somehow still not getting through. This is not how functional adults behave, that's the end. If this is even a taste of what you're like in person, I'd fully expect your friend group to drop you at some point. Her automatically getting angry at you is very telling, but not about her. Your obnoxious repetition and unwillingness to admit you may be wrong cannot be an anomaly just in this sub. These people are tired of you. Adults are not looking for these qualities in their friends. You not being able to get a refund doesn't matter when they can replace you with someone who doesn't annoy the fuck out of everybody and hand you your money back. You do realize you were INVITED right, you didn't invite them? You know why? Because IT'S NOT YOUR TRIP. Before you go "oh but it was a group plan", who had the access? Was it you? No? It was a specific person who has this benefit then INVITED everybody else. Do you understand yet that you're not the main character in your friend group, or life in general? There's no way these people aren't already looking for a way to get you out, I'd have tolerated this shit for about 10 seconds before I just sent you back over your money and told you to fuck off. 

Oh, so was she a former FWB? Because he's actively hiding her from you, and if my husband did that I'd send a packed suitcase with him and tell him to follow her home. Was he bringing her home before or after she was married, and does anything on this timeline correlate with her children's births? Because there is nothing innocent in any of this. 

These are things that are exclusively inside your head, and you don't get to make things in your head into other people's problems. The situation about being on a date isn't relevant here because that's YOUR date. This is THEIR trip. If the trip would not be possible at all without one single person, the trip is that person's trip. And they can decide not to invite you next time if this is how you act. That's the scenario you actually should be considering instead of all that other stuff. And honestly, her flaring up immediately signals that this isn't the only issue that's come up before. 

Yes, and she knew only that far because she came out of her house already screaming and wouldn't put her listening ears on. She tried to tell her what was happening multiple times, she refused to process the information. Coming onto someone else's property screaming aggressively often ends badly. 

I've never owned a single car that didn't have an alarm built in, but I've only had like 3 or 4 actual fobs. Do people buy car alarms? 

She said they had to cut back a lot but they're also not struggling. Hmm. Ok. 

I'm confident I could fit a toddler. We just play "everything in the public bathroom is on fire" and get them to hold their hands in the air, then pee fast lol