You okay bro? Need a friend?

But like, why are you posting this trash on the Mopar sub reddit? Troll post?

That's true. The ex exception that proves the rule.

I remember that one dude was was super intent on doing mater craftsman quality dovetails. He got like 5 logs up in 30 days.

Day 24: "As soon as I'm done this shelter I'll be able to focus on food!"

Day 25: Sits in completed shelter, taps.

I know they're boned when they start making toys and knick-knacks. Has anyone who's made a guitar gone the distance?

I don't like loyalty. I miss my cheeky forward settles.

And is any of this income ties to in-role performance? I some how doubt it.

How do you know she didn't ask for help? I dunno, I tend to be proactive in my offers of help, especially when it comes to my partner.

How about, if you don't like where the mop is - move it yourself?

After she's cleaning their house, the boyfriend isn't helping and then says "dOn'T mOp nEaR mY lEgO's" I'd fucking smash that shit too.

Well, she turned out to be a bust. Some part of me thought the wife of the late Jack Layton wouldn't be a corporate stooge, but here we are.

Shame on you Mayor Chow.

My dad has a 66 Coronet with a scoop like this. 😍

This is so cool , well done.

It's bad for the fans, the least they could offer is a #2 driver that can put up a fight in a dominant car.

Edit: I think it's hilarious I'm getting down votes for saying I want a competitive driver in the dominant car. 😂 What's wrong with y'all?

I like the early seasons for that reason. There was less established "Meta" so you saw more variation in strategy.

Later seasons feel like a game show. Early seasons feel like a


Dude was one of the least "successful" survivalists in the show, let alone the season. He basically just gave up and stayed in his sleeping bag. Failed at fishing by and large, failed at hunting, crappy shelter, couldn't manage a fire. He straight up sucked at it. The only reason he won is he grew up in a place with bad water, so he could get away with not boiling water like every other contestant HAD to.

I personally don't tune in to watch annoying punks with a strong gut, out starve and out "do nothing" than other contestants. There wouldn't even be a show if the other contestants were like him. I have the same criticism of Biko (who is at least more likable) who's main strategy was to gain 80lbs and out starve other contestants. He at least tried to secure food. Same with Fowler, too a degree.

Your comment makes it clear you're also an armchair jokester defending what is without a doubt the worst season and worst winner in the history of the show. So It takes one to know one I guess?

You can't honestly tell me he's a winner as deserving as Jordan, Roland, Alan, Sam or Clay. Who actually "Survived" instead of just going on a fast and operating in a way that is not at all in the spirit of the show.


They are so confident in Max carrying the WDC and the WCC on his back, they made the focus of the 2nd seat merchandise sales.

RB has lost the plot when they stop focusing on winning. This is just straight up bad for fans and the sport.

Checo being out qualified by Williams #2 car should get him busted down to VCARB instantly.

You want someone to write a cover letter for a server job? Fuck off with that shit.

Prince Edward Island? Wtf? You even watch this show?

I prefer the early seasons. They were more raw, the contestants treated it more like a survival show than a game show. The season 9 winner was a total joke, dude basically stopped treating it like a survival show and just went on a fast a month and a half in.

I don't tune in to watch some punk in a fasting competition.

The later seasons the contestants all take great care to always seem upbeat and positive, and only film themselves looking at the glass half full. Whereas early seasons the contestants were more prone to show the pain and struggle.

I also think Vancouver Island was the best location. They should go back there.

OP exposing their search history lmao. My ass they don't usually watch Hentai.

That's just wishful thinking. He's a cute mutt though.