Yeah, it’s used for everything from firefighting to special operations, very versatile machine, but it’s strength is definitely large and heavy cargo. Not great for observation because it eats a lot of gas and isn’t as maneuverable as a smaller helicopter, but it can be used for just about anything

Maybe, but it’s usually used for moving cargo not observation or firefighting

It’s a chinook helicopter, not sure why it’s circling your house tho

Burn after reading is a lot like this, and also just really funny, so much happens all at once in the final act

Yes, perfectly normal, he thinks he is hidden but is very stupid

450 is an older standard, you aren’t being cruel or anything, but 800 is the currently accepted standard. The 450 number was created to urge people not to use tiny little critter trails cages, but was never meant to reflect optimal conditions for a hamster

No, none are centered or cropped closely enough. They are great pics but jet photos is neurotic about that kind of thing

Alligator tic, mean fucker

Yikes, yeah it seems like a pretty 1:1 translation

Wait, he doesn’t speak English though, what did he actually say?

He may have some robo in him, but he’s definitely not all robo, he’s got robo coloration but shaped like winter white. There’s a lot of interbreeding and so pure anything is rare

Bro the north of where? This is a global website and no one has any idea where you are

What’s going on with this enclosure? No bedding? A wheel meant for hermit crabs? All mesh floors? Besides being way too small and incredibly boring and scary for the hamster, this is dangerous and could cause bumblefoot injuries from the mesh and back problems from the spinner. Please get a bin with some bedding and an upright wheel, a critter trails cage or pet store display would genuinely be way better than this, and both of those are known for being cruel

17x22 is way too small, the minimum for a hamster cage is 20x40, go for 800 sq in or more. Especially since you are making it yourself do not go to all the trouble to make something that is only going to make your hamster unhappy

Yeah, I had a 24v vr6 GTI but I’d take this in a heartbeat

100x50 really is the minimum, I have a male syrian in a cage that size and I definitely feel limited by the size and would go bigger if I could. for sure don’t go below that. unfortunately awful care is really the norm, to a point that pretty bad stress behaviors like bar biting and climbing are considered to be normal.

A ceiling fan should be absolutely fine, just moving the air in the room around won’t hurt him, don’t have a blower right on him, but a small air current won’t hurt anything

oh be careful with that spray, hamsters scratch and groom all the time, its normal. don’t intervene with any products or anything unless you see hair loss or mites

roughly 75 for 1000 sq inches, just depends on the depth

yeah! and what a noise! I’ve been seeing (and hearing) them multiple times a day every day staying outside of Rome, the Italian government uses them and its been so cool to hear them go over