Get the PNs ready, the questions are online and have been the same for a bit.

Use the freenow app (similar to Uber) and you will be ok when it comes to catching taxis in town.

Rejection is protection, something like that. Either way, try to move one. There's better things coming your way.

Possibly the most stressful career and long one as well.

Share the link please. I would love to get one!

Yes they should and also stick around so you can put the patient back in bed.

If you are a U.S. citizen, forget about it. At least, for now. Sad reality, but it is what it is.

I would take pre- lip filler era Georgi any day.

ZainDaily, truly funny and the host is cute.

I agree with the comment above, feels like impostor syndrome. It happens to me all the time. English is my second language. What helps me is to read more about the target topics in English and then also read them in my native language. Some websites like the CDC have medical info in English and Ukrainian (if I'm not mistaken). Try that and don't give up!