Dude even Krishna says that everyone has different Dharam . Bhisma, Karna, Dorn are not evil they`re just following their own dharma . Look no far than Indra who saved his son to fulfil his Dharama as a father but the fact remains that from our perspective that is not Dharama because it`s selfish

I`ve a good theory regarding your point . What if Zack saves Johan at the critical moment by killing Gun and he dies in the process . Zack has been present from the very start of Lookism . Ptj did say Gun will reveal his true colors at the death of a character therefore many assumed it will be someone closer to Gun like Eli and Goo but Ptj never mentioned that this character will be someone close to Gun nor the exact way Gun will reveal his true side therefore any assumptions about the identity of this character can be made provided he fits the initial description of being from the start .

This scene will be tragic because Gun is dead but he lost to faith once again . But in his passing moments Zack will tell Johan the way to defeat the fate that is by being with those who love you .

``Plot inconsistency`` that sounds like cope ! In my book You`ve lost the argument if you need to call an evidence plot inconsistency . The evidence only proves my point and debunk yours .

He holds his power back and releases it with every mode . When he smiled Johan said that this fucker got stronger . Basically his modes signifies more power . You didn`t debunk my argument rather you supported it lmao

Let`s just ignore Yuseong taking 6 hits because it is unreliable . Let's Compare his counter part Mandeok who took 12 hits (go ahead and count) from a blood lusted Gun . Yuseong who is stronger than Mandeok will sure survive 10 seconds of fp Ui if his weaker counter part can take the Ap of fp Gun

Johan is not using the perfect techniques which is his biq . He copied the physical body to use the perfect techniques . If you are going to run a super car (the body of Ui Daniel ) on a poor road (the imperfect techniques) then of course the results will be poor. Look what happens when he used the perfect technique (the handstand move) against Zack, Zack was shocked by it`s AP(he never gave the same reaction again) . Not only that but Zack had conviction amp basically like Yuseong to save his brother just in this case Zack didn`t want to lose to Johan ,. We know how greatly mental amps enhances you (this is why even Mandeok did what he did against Gun or Yuseong and Zack survived against Johan

Yuseong was not in his strongest mode while he was fighting Gun . His Endura was in base despite that he took 6 full power (some guy counted) hits from Gun . Mandeok who is weaker than Yuseong took 12 full power hits from Gun and survived . The Yuseong against Johan was in his strongest form and was amped to save his brother that is why he survived for 10 seconds . Zack did not tie. he just only woke him up . Johan had no biq despite that Zack was going down within 7 blows which sits perfectly for a nerfed Johan and an enduara mastery Zack

He can copy the full power of a character since the story says so . This is lookism where trying to apply real world logic is futile . what story says is true . There are two bodies, a card god and time travel . Anything is possible . if not how in the hell is Johan copying attacks which he never seen before ?!


He never saw this move?! How is he doing it . lookism logic . The same way characters punch through concrete

Yuseong is stronger than Mandeok since he is someone who is equal to Johan . Ryuhei is someone who is close to Sinu therefore them being relative is understandable . Even by feats ryuhei did better against Gun , His attacks could`ve damaged Gun but not Daniel`s


Look how Yuseong is sitting at the top since he is the strongest while Mandeok and Ryuhei are at the same level .

Yuseong was not in his strongest mode

That`s debatable . Once again just jumping from a cliff alone does not gives you enough Ap to shatter Gun`s arm . The cliff helped him but the credit goes to him too .

The worker trio is narratively relative . Any upscaling to Yuseong and Mandeok applies to Ryuhei too .

Eli is once again getting some hate . Let me debunk this illogical hate !Discussion


Now many people are hating Eli for Yenna being on the floor . Yenna is sleeping on the floor because Eli is broke . This is immediately after he leaves Hostel . Eli has been raised on streets and he always slept on the floor therefore he doesn`t understands that a new born should be on the bed not on the floor . This applies to his General upbringing of Yenna ; he doesn`t understands a lot of things .

Well probably because Eli has no idea how to raise her daughter . if Heather was there she could`ve scolded him for letting Yenna sleep on the floor . Eli has been sleeping on floors ever since his childhood and Hostel days therefore it makes sense why he is sleeping on floor with Yenna . This is at the start of lookism

Jumping off the cliff lone is not enough to break Gun`s arm . You require the Ap for it

The Real Goal of Johan . It is not taking revenge against Gun or healing her eyesDiscussion

Many people think that the main goal of Johan is either to get her mother`s eyes back or to take revenge on Gun but his actual goal is to reject his faith . The moment Johan was born his fate has always been unfair to him . As he said to Zack that he has seen no loss implying that all his life he has only suffered loss . He faced financial struggles, bullying and realized the unfair advantages those who are born privilege posses(Zack) . Then his mother`s condition worsens and she leds everyone to a cult which almost killed Johan and his friends The reason why he escaped that day was to reject that faith and reunite with his mother and friends but fate once again proves it`s cruelty to Johan when Gun destroys his dream . Now he is on the path to kill Gun and reject that faith but he knows in doing so he would get killed this is why doesn`t want his eyes to heal or reunite with his mother and friends .


Gun could`ve given him another chance since it wasn`t his fault that God dog were doing shady business without his knowledge (I know he sucks as a leader) but Gun might`ve very well gave him another chance . Gun was also the only person left which Johan trusted but he betrayed his trust . Johan doesn`t harbor hatred for Charles since he is the only one who can heal his mother`s eyes . Goo was not in the charge of four crews Gun was . Why would he hate Goo ?! .

The end goal of Johan is to kill Gun that`s why he is in a temporary alliance with Workers . I know it sounds stupid but Johan is blinded by revenge so makes sense . Johan has only revenge left he doesn`t care about anything else

Jake doesn`t give two shits about Elite . Same with Eli, Gun didn`t do anything to him if we go by your logic

show me the statement he deleted it . You know about the existence of statement and that`s what matters . My statement existed and yours is imaginary . I`m done

``Talked about in the server`` that is your objective proof . You claimed he retconned the statement therefore you are burdened to provide evidence for your claim . The narrative is with me

I guess now since we`ve seen the performance of Mandeok and Yuseong who are comparable to Ryuhei I think Ryuhei had the better performance

the burden of proof is on you dude . I`ve won already won if you can`t objectively prove your argument

bring me a video of ptj saying he retconned his statement otherwise shut up

Maybe his definition of very beginning is different than US