Psoriasis. No family history but had bad scalp irritation which continuously cycled between sores,scabbing, and flaking. Two doctors said to try a different shampoo. Went to a dermatologist and they were shocked no one took me seriously and it was definitely psoriasis

Normal price and it looks beautiful

Where are you finding this?? I booted up my game on the EA app on PC and don’t see any of this.

Came here to second Taking Back Sunday. I saw them around 2009 and it was horrible. I imagine e his voice has gotten even worse since then.

11th gen LONG lifespan for my current play through. I can’t let their line die out now 😭

Well you just solved mine! I have scalp psoriasis and recently got this on one nail.

It’s so dangerous to kiss babies on the face like that when they are really young.

I feel like you need to say something to him about this. Tell him in a clear and calm way that it is inappropriate and that you feel uncomfortable with him speaking to you that way. Your bf for some reason thinks this is normal behavior and is not going to do anything… which has its own issues. You have to stand up for yourself or this will get worse.

This could be such a cute little tiny Italian style coffee area with plants

I have plans to hate watch it tonight. It really is just morbid curiosity that began after I heard Dakota refused to even watch it 😅