There’s no way I can predict that… You’ll find out when you apply. I can only guess it would be pretty high.

Thank you so much - we’ve gotten so much support and I appreciate it more than I have words for. No sign of him yet. I just hired a lady in Star who has scent tracking dogs and she’s coming over in the morning. It’s our last hope before we give up. He’s such a good boy and we are all devastated- he’s my son’s dog and he adores Viggo more than anything. Just a heartbreaking time.

He escaped without his collar but he is chipped.

Yes. And all the fb communities as well as pet lost and found pages.

Yes extremely spooked and I didn’t realize he was gone until I noticed our gate (old wooden one) had not latched and was left open last night. He’s on medication and if he goes too long he’ll lose control of his back legs. I’m worried he’s hiding under a bush somewhere- lots of people out and about around this area but no one’s spotted him.

I'm very happy you did what was best for you by leaving the church. I left many years ago and never looked back. Once I came to terms with the fact that I (not God or members of the church) control my life, my actions, and my future, it became much easier to move on and let go of those who did not make a positive impact on my life. You're doing what's best for you and your children, and that's all that matters. Wishing you the very best!

And that’s why she would be perfect for the job. We need someone who’s right for the job and hates it. Not someone who’s wrong for the job and loves it.

Thank you for this. I’m so tired of the political slurs in particular… there’s just no need for it from either side.

Here’s the thing… most people that come to this sub are folks who took out loans beyond their means and haven’t been able to get out from under them. They either didn’t know what they were getting into, didn’t care at the time, or overpaid for degrees that are worthless.

Twenty-five years ago I went to college with no help from my parents and took out $36k in loans. Doesn’t seem like a lot now, but back then my first professional job out of school paid $9/hour and that was considered a very good starting wage. I lived frugally, focused on my career, and it took 20 years but I paid it all back. Worth every penny in my opinion, because without that education I wouldn’t be where I am today, running my own very successful business. As long as you understand fully what your payments will be, are highly motivated, and prepared to work your ass off… do it. If you can, get into a work study program while at school to help offset the costs. Work in fast food if you have to. Just don’t be that guy who expects forgiveness or comes back here saying you didn’t know what you were getting into. As long as you know, and your school helps with job placement, and you’re prepared to hustle/live frugally for a while, then I say follow your dreams. The fact of the matter is that yes, sometimes the school you attend can make a difference in your career opportunities— my own son is dealing with this right now. Given the choice between a highly prestigious school where job placement is almost completely guaranteed or a community college that offers no guarantees and (let’s face it) a half-assed education, then the choice is easy. Just do your research and make sure this is the right choice for you.

I've had my little design firm for 18 years now and all I can say is running a business is hard, but it's been worth the struggles and absolutely worth it. I never really had a niche, but after working for other companies for 8+ years I noticed there was a need in the market for companies that didn't need a full-fledged advertising firm (very expensive), but they did need design help and wanted more than a freelancer (very cheap, and back in those days freelancers were often very inexperienced and flakey/not reliable, so they had kind of a bad reputation). So I marketed myself as a "Design Firm"... something that didn't really exist at the time. I had experience in graphic design, web design, and product photography, so those were the services I offered. Took off very quickly and still going strong, although I see a lot more design firms now.

Not saying you need to go with that, it's just food for thought... if you can identify what you love to do plus a need in the market, it's a good recipe for success.

I’m so happy for you. As a little anecdote, i was on antidepressants for a few years, but once I finally started painting again I found my “peace” and soon got off them (with doc’s approval)… been med-free for 4 years now and still painting every weekend. It’s such a joy, and always helps bring me back to center. Keep going! ❤️

I have 4 dogs (2 mini schnauzers & 2 frenchies) - they all regulate their weight really well. My female mini is 14 years old and has always been slim, while my male mini (6) has his ups and downs, but even though he’s a bit pudgier the vet still doesn’t consider him overweight… in fact, he’s lost about 5 pounds since I adopted him several years ago (rescue). On the other side, my male frenchie is solid muscle and lean where my female frenchie is… well-rounded. 😂

I’ve had dogs my whole life and discovered early that free-feeding allows them to maintain a comfortable weight (for them) whether it’s a little over or a little under, but not once has it ever ended up with a super-obese dog.

Yep, the bullet points were the first thing I noticed without reading a single word. That immediately showed me their inexperience.

In laymen’s terms it’s like a local server connected to a local network, so anyone on my network can access the files, work on them, save, etc. Like an external hard drive but bigger and faster. I have multiple designers and a lot of big clients (been running my own little design firm for 18 years), so it’s perfect for our needs, no lag or buffering like what you might get with cloud, and no monthly subscription. The two drives are mirrored in case one fails — the other one should keep everything safe until I replace the failed drive.

2019 Mac Pro (Intel Xeon) 3.2ghz 16 core, 48gb RAM and dual 28” 4K monitors. I work off a NAS with twin 10TB drives (mirrored).

47f here… I’m letting my hair sparkles shine. Stopped dying about a year ago and my temple grey streaks are looking kinda cool these days. 😉

Because “real” Idahoans (right or left) know better than to force their opinions and beliefs onto others. As a native, I grew up with the “mind your own business” mantra and every other native I’ve ever known has been the same. Here we are polite and respectful regardless of our personal opinions. Out-of-staters love shouting their opinions from the rooftops. Very frowned upon.