Lots of people talk about how voting is hard, stressful, and the democrats haven’t done enough, people can’t morally make the vote. It’s really not complicated, just take one day to check the box with Biden’s name on it and carry on. It doesn’t have to have this deeper meaning to it.

Yeah, I would say I am happy. Sure the world is on fire, but I can only do so much and don’t fixate on what’s out of my control.

Mustaine has always had great signature series guitars, nice purchase

I can’t say I’ve had a similar experience. Owned many strats and never really had a problem with setup. Maybe it’s the person doing the setup? Would have to have the guitar in my hands to know for sure.

I’m with you about 50%. I don’t think people should be firing them off for a week straight before and after the holiday. I really don’t think they should even be for folks living in the city or suburban neighborhoods. If you are in a rural area and you’re not disrupting anyone, then I don’t care. That being said, if your city or local community puts together a one time event for the holiday, and it’s ran well, then I think that’s fine.

In my experience bands that do the best simply agree who the best song writer is, and let them write the songs. Everyone else there is to help their vision come to life.

I don’t think it needs a response and she is partly correct. There is a higher correlation of autism from fathers older than 40. I don’t think the mother’s age is necessarily a factor though.

I don’t say anything. I’m at the point in my life I don’t have time for other peoples stupidity. If you say the earth is flat or 1+1=3, sure fine, I don’t care, have fun with that. We probably have nothing to talk about anyhow.

Try not to think about being “punk enough”. I never really got into the fashion side of it. I just wear plain black t shirt and black jeans every day, and have a pretty basic hair cut. Someone in my band made the off hand comment that I was the “most punk” in the group because I never tried or cared about fitting into the scene, and was just myself. Everyone agreed and I took it as a compliment. Stop giving a shit, be yourself, and make people accept you on your terms.

Are you thinking of I 29 South?

Back in my day… there used to be all ages venues that any shitty band full of teenagers could get a gig at. They were community spaces you could hang out at and have some freedom without having to spend any real money at.

Just let the girl sing! She’s 9, and this is what she is interested in now. Maybe it sticks and she improves, maybe she doesn’t. If she improves, great, sky’s the limit. If she doesn’t, that’s fine too, kids need more experiencing trying something and being ok with it not working out all the time for them.

The only brain damage you may suffer comes from listening to some of your training partners half cooked ideas on conspiracies and Joe Rogan analysis. Otherwise you will be fine.

I love my noise cancelling headphones. Take them with me if I am leaving the house generally.

I’ve never had to apologize to a tree on how my feelings hurt their feelings

🟪:4stripes:🟪 Purple Belt

Don’t spaz, tap early, focus on proper technique, and choose good training partners

🟪:4stripes:🟪 Purple Belt

There is risk, somewhere above zero and below playing basketball

Try to find someone that looks at you the way Mike Tyson looks at Hasbulla

🟪:4stripes:🟪 Purple Belt

Ezekiel, Arm Bar, Collar Choke, Smother, and North South, that’s all I got.

Ski Lift from Nebraska???? We are the flattest state in the land, why would we ever need one?

Strange seeing a personal anecdote get downvoted like this, what the hell Reddit?