Quit shopping there if you don't like it..

Most companies won't report something so small .they usually carry, least a five thousand dollar dedectable.

You need to know who's in your store and prevent them from stealing.

Yes of course, we're on top of things here. We meet at city hall the second tuesday every week. You have got to come it's great fun.

Go for your walk eariler, stay away from downtown.

Her name should be Wanta. Want a cookie ,want a walk,want a playmate.

Deformed, didn't you notice that hand growing out of her head?

If you can feel your dogs spine, all the way done the spine. You're dog is at a good weight.

Maybe your daughter could work on her resume a bit. I had people come looking for a job that..won' remove their sunglasses. Won't wook weekends. Can't work evenings. The list goes on. It's hard to find good employee's., and training an employee can cost well over $1000.00 dollars. I hate to think that people are hired due to their skin colour.

They will give you the phone,and a Kodo plan.

Give them back to there family. Or have there family pay their. Expenses.

You will know if you have too much potassium in your diet, cause you will be dead. It kills

I had my concrete lifted July 2008.

Had my concrete removed in Aug 2011 good thing they didn't break through anywhere.