That was exactly what they were doing.

Final Fantasy XI has some god tier music, Sanctuary of Zi'Tah is still one of my favorite pieces of music regardless of genre.

I really want to say Puppet Master for the nostalgia from growing up, but Nope was just so good it has to be that one.

Loved it ever since I randomly caught it on Comedy Central as a kid.

Mom grew up in Hurley after my Grandpa retired from the Army in the 60's, but before that Jean Baptiste DuBay that Lake DuBay in Portage is named after is my Grandma's Great Uncle.

I don't think they are going to change anything for how we play, but I like them.

I based mine, Hekaton is on a Knight Base and Sagitaur is on a 120x92mm Oval Base, the same one as the Forgefiend.

That would be a pretty good bumper sticker.

Uh, I guess The Stepfather, but I can't say I'm particularly enthused about any of them.

I forget which side is the death side? I remember one of them never wins.

People forgetting Adam did the same thing in the season he won.

Bang a gong? Ceramic tiles must be getting expensive.

I look at them as Godzilla gets his own solo movies, the V/X ones are the Kong movies. Skull Island was just there to remind everyone and introduce Kong. I honestly doubt we will get another solo Kong movie in the MonsterVerse.

And to an extent that just comes from they have a lot to pull from previous Godzilla movies, not so much for Kong.

I was Team Tiff and Kenzie at the beginning, I'll be Team Tiff and Kenzie at the end.

Any of the exploitation melt movies from the late 70's or 80's but specifically Street Trash. They have some truly gnarly kills and are very Troma-esque.

Any mention of travel is pretty much a left swipe for me. It’s generic, tells me nothing about you, and just feels kind of lazy. I mean who doesn’t like to travel.

I’m not just looking for a hookup, so I’m looking for what day to day life would be. Unless that’s your job and it’s what day to day life it like for you, that’s good to know, but we probably wouldn’t be a good match anyways.

I jumped skull first in to all things Khorne a couple of months ago, started World Eaters for 40k, got a bunch of Demons, the Warcry team. Might as well keep it rolling.

I’m gonna miss him being my governor when I move to Wisconsin, but I look forward to his eventual presidential run.

Honestly, the Exorcist ones kind of felt like they missed the wave from the new movie. They probably should have done the Omen series as the new one of that and that Sidney Sweeney movie were coming out around the same time.

Also, Hannibal Rising is just a bad movie, and Red Dragon was always under the radar and not really popular.

Honestly now might be a time to look at Recounting one of his earlier series like Nightmare or Saw.

Honestly right now, Votann are as subtle as a brick to the face. We don't get a lot of the more 'tricksy" elements of the game right now. We don't have any infilitrators, we don't get free strats or increase the cost of opp's strats, we don't even really have rerolls. Half our units are just kind of mediocre right now.

All our rules honestly just make us more efficient, but aren't going to pull us out the fire. So Skill Ceiling is pretty low I'd say. If you lean into our good things (Hearthguard, Sagitaurs, Pioneers), you should do okay. If you want to play Warriors and lots of Berserks, you'll probably have a bad time.

I think it also depends on your opponent a lot too, I have one friend who how he plays just can't beat deep striking hearthguard, and another who doesn't fear Votann at all.

I don't subassemble anything besides sometime leaving off the base. I only prime black too, so if I can't reach it or see it easily, its in shadow.

I will say, painting fully assembled Thunderkyn was a pain in the ass.

Bill Foster

I think the big thing you say is the need to start small, make Mole Man the enemy of the first film.

I’ve long said, though I don’t know how they would do it, but Doom needs to have his own hero movie, where he’s the protagonist and you see how he views himself, and at the end of it he starts to becomes the “bad guy” people know him as.