MWF: Upper body push, upper body pull, some form of shoulder work, Goblet squat. Pushes and pulls are bodyweight.

MF: I fit my conditioning in as a hip hinge in kettlebell swings, after strength training.

W: elliptical

TTH: heavy Turkish Get Ups

Get on and look up everything they recommend, mostly for your husband.

Sorry, traveling this weekend. Here's a video that led me to couple different studies on it

And here's a study on high protein ingestion at one time (which is also mentioned in the masterclass)

I use whey, 2 scoops at 25g each, in 4oz kefir and 10oz milk

From what I've read, it's chronically elevated levels of IGF-1, not just transient spikes. Think bodybuilders, eating 6 meals/protein shakes per day, sometimes right before bed even.

Ingesting protein immediately post workout may mitigate some of the "damage" from activating mTOR.

So, I do Intermittent Fasting, the 5:2 protocol, fasting T&Th.

On M,W,F, I workout first thing in the morning, then do a shake with about 75 grams of protein. Lunch is about 15g, keeping below the mTOR threshold. Dinner is whatever, usually around 30-70g.

It might be the length of time you're on the floor. 53m, I can get down and up no problem, but the longer I'm on the floor, the harder it is due to getting stiff.

Like so many others have pointed out, use it or lose it. You should spend like 5 minutes a day, 2-3 times per day, just laying or sitt down on the floor, then standing back up. Practice it in different ways.

I'd have to look for the article/study again, but for future reference, drinking green or black tea with fish, or to a lesser extent eating wheat bread or oat bread, inhibits the absorption of mercury.

I've had general inflammation issues for years, that my Doctor can't figure out. I've tried virtually all anti-inflammatory supplements I could find, some I discontinued after no noticeable effect, others I've stayed on.

Two of the best ones are Circumin and Creatine. Creatine you can just do 3-5g daily, no need to preload. Creatine may help with the general fatigue, too, and exercise intolerance.

Also, have you gotten your testosterone levels checked? You may want to, total, free, and bioavailable.

ED: You say you've seen a cardiologist, so I assume all your CVD markers are OK? You could start with either getting a lot more dietary nitrates (beetroot, spinach, celery, radishes) to increase Nitric Oxide production. This is a vasodilator, and will help with endothelial cell health. Or, it could just be mental, due to pain and fatigue.

~25g in one serving is the minimum for Muscle Protein Synthesis, pretty much for everyone. Less than that, you're not activating the mTOR pathway.

Pycnogenol. Also, organic beet juice not from concentrate inztead if the powder. Knudsons Organic is what I use. Per

Although capsules of beetroot are sold, these tend to contain only a small amount of powdered, dried beetroot (about 0.5 gram or 500 mg per capsule), which would be expected to provide only about 5 to 10 mg of nitrate.

Imagine what good we could do if we actually gave enough of a F to be bothered, eh?

-a fellow GenX

Well, since you asked (GenX here), ever since the shit the Republican party pulled on Ron Paul in 2012, and the Democrats did to Sanders in 20 (I think) both in the primaries, I'm never again voting for the lesser of two evils, ie a R or D.

I've been voting Libertarian for the past 2 presidential elections. And to the people who say I'm "throwing my vote away": 1) How is voting for my beliefs a waste? I'm not going to vote for someone I'm not impressed by just ro keep the other guy out. That's how we end up where we're at.

2) If a party ever gets 2% of the vote in a national election (most likelythr LP), they will be guaranteed access in the next one. 2% isn't that much, so you're vote could make a difference, especially for financing.

This year, I'm not a fan of the LP candidate. Not a fan of Robert Kennedy Jr either (whaaat? There's more than two, even more than three actual candidates??), so I have no idea who I'm going to vote for. The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning to None Of The Above.

F the Republicans, F the Democrats, and F the 2 party system. Let them burn.

There are several T boosting supplements on the market that you could try. Testogen worked well for me. I just switched to Omega Man, getting rechecked in a month or so to see what that does. Their priorities product, Alpha Male worked for me too. Went from low 700s to 900-1100s. 53m, been on them for about 4-5 years

Cabbage diet... I vaguely remember hearing about that, years and years ago. I'll check into it, thanks!

Last Act of Defiance by Exodus.

About the New Mexico State Penitentiary riot on February 2 and 3, 1980

I've seen several articles and studies on the Fasting Mimicking Diet for cancer too. From what I've seen, everything was based on the diet developed by Dr Walter Longo, and I haven't yet found out what the specific nutrient ratios are for it, and I don't want to spend the $200 for 5 days of (no) food lol.

I have seen another article that said it was basically equivalent to a medium sized avocado, but I'd hate to expirement with cancer on the line.

Also, OP, I've read a lot of studies on the benefits of circumin with cancer, and chemotherapy side effects. I'd recommend researching, and asking her doctor, about that.

53m, I go to bed at 9:00pm.

I stop drinking anything at 7:30, then chug about 16-20oz of water right before bed. I very, very rarely have to pee during the night.

Workout A Pull up variation Dip variation Alternating sets, 90" in between each set KB overhead press Goblet squat

Workout B Bodyweight row variation Push up variation Alternating sets, 90" rest Handstand pushup variation Goblet squat

Alternate workouts, on M,W,F

Also, Turkish Get Ups on Tues & Thurs

I would, but not until ticket prices come back to earth

Wake up at 4:30 am.

Home by 5:10, dinner done by 6:00. Catch up on any news online, play guitar until 7:00-7:15. Set my workout up, get in my pajamas. Watch TV and talk with my wife until 9:00, then bed.

None. I strength train and do my conditioning in my garage gym. The only thing that might count as sports is some martial arts forms I do a couple times a week.

Lightning is my favorite, but Puppets is in the National Library of Congress...