I record to a click but then we add a +/- of 10% ish. Makes the songs less mechanical

The energy keeps you sharp. Use it. We play regularly at one pub (among other places too) and the butterflies aren't really there at that venue anymore. We know the crowd likes us, but there always is a bit of nervous energy until you get through the first couple songs.

Sorry, but you are just as mature now as you were back then. Have an adult conversation with another adult and you might realize you've just asked the internet about something you could solve in a conversation with someone.

Universal basic income means more tax, or less services. The Canadian pension plan is already in decline, and it seems the government is making up new "green" taxes at whim to collect more money from people. So long term I think UBI will stabilize those living below the poverty line to just slightly above that line, and lower the middle class to the same level. The rich would continue to be rich, and we would find ourselves in conditions similar to communist Russia. Everyone is fed, everyone has a roof over their heads, but no one except the elite and corrupt (not directly related?) have any extra money to any thing other than just exist. And that's where the elite and those in control of governments want us. So, no thanks. Imo

Depends how motivated you are to sell. Together it might be a tough sell. Split up you will get more.

All stands, snare, hats, pedals, cymbals.

Be glad you didn't marry her. Be glad you didn't have kids. This is the turning point though. You can decide to leave her or, you can get counseling with her and commit. Those are your two options.

My last royalties direct deposit was $1.34. 40 000 streams 2 quarters ago got us $25 to split 3 ways. Why did we give over control of the music to spotify?

I took many years of piano lessons from a concert pianist from Prague. This was the way. Learn the skill with rudiments, scales, finger exercises etc, and then apply and perfect them in a song. Then you learn your instrument rather than learning to play a song. The songs were to keep it interesting and to hone your new skill.

Agree. War sucks. Innocent people dying sucks. But this one sided witch hunt only proves how easily people are influenced by social media. Not trying to justify the death and destruction, but trying to understand it. I don't understand how you can decry one nation for killing, but approve attacks on an innocent festival in the name of freedom. Why have we not heard about all the diplomatic talks initiated by Hamas to make the situation better in Gaza? I wish we could find a source to post accurate stats of what has actually occurred, because all the info coming to the west is biased and spun. I also know the internet will hate me for saying this too lol.

Playing devil's advocate here. Learning through rudiments will help you learn skills to apply to any song. Rather than learning a song and the skills to play a song, you just learn to play. Yes, rudiments can get boring.

It's usually pretty good until they're 5 and go to school.

This was me until my kids started school. Germs from 2 different schools, and day care, and my wife was a teacher as well. It gets better again when the kids are a bit older and aren't licking handrails and stuff.

Evans hybrid. Drumeo did a review of it a few years back.

Your money. You do with it as you please. Tip on service, not on the servers expectation. A tip is not money owed. It is a reward for good service.

Will a $2000 snare sound better than a $75 snare? Absolutely. Can you tune a $2000 snare so badly that it sounds worse than a $75 snare? Yes. Can you tune a $75 snare so well that it sounds as good as the well tuned $2000 snare? No. There are construction methods and materials that are just inferior to others. But certainly, if you are comparing apples to apples, most snares will have, to some degree, the same quality in sound.

Getting paid pennies for music we've spent thousands of dollars, hours and skill to create. We make expensive chalk art.

Same reason Angus would make the list of top guitarists. Certainly he is good at 4 chord rock, but get him on stage with some true guitar virtuoso and he pales in comparison. But in comparison, try to get the virtuous to write music and play guitar that the masses can identify with, and your virtuoso can't do it either. These lists are subjective and to make them objective you'd have to remove the thing that makes music music. Emotion. Passion. Expression.

Said the Metallica fan boy lol

Vic Firth X8D. I was playing the pro mark Neil piert Shira kashi oak but at $33 a pop, after breaking a couple sets in a month I was done.