Tried to watch Fat Albert again a couple of years ago. Turned it off after 5 minutes because everything Bill said just rang so damned hollow now ☹️

I’m glad Mark Schultz was able to harness a bit of fame based on his relatively obscure comic. To wit that is fondly remembered (in whatever form) all these years later is just great.

Just picked up a new bottle of whiskey and now I have something to watch tonight.


Original plan was to visit a friend near Roanoke but she cancelled on me. New plan is to drink whiskey and look at vacation options for August. Might sneak in a nap or a Kung Fu movie on TV.

Dropped out of college and took a very thankless job in the circulation department at the local newspaper. Started dating a woman who would become my first wife. I was too immature at the time to realize she would be the best thing that happened to me.

Lived in this Manassas apartment for over 8 years and still have not visited Nathan’s 🤦‍♂️

Discovered a ton of weird from watching this show, including Uncle Floyd and “Fish Heads” by Barnes and Barnes.

It was a very long summer waiting for BOBW, Part II. I didn’t have BBS access until college, so all of my news and rumors came from Starlog magazine, Entertainment Tonight, and other fans who claimed to be “in the know” but were usually talking out of their butt (wouldn’t connect with an actual studio person for several more years). Rumors were flying all over the place about Patrick Stewart possibly not returning (no doubt rooted in the salary negotiations).

What really got me was a segment on ABC’s Primetime Live just before Season 4 started. Gates McFadden was giving a guided tour of the sets to one of the journalists (I specifically remember it not being Sam Donaldson) and there was footage interspersed throughout the segment. Most of that footage was from Season 4’s “Future Imperfect”. Seeing Riker with captain insignia was shocking at the time and I figured big changes were coming.

Nope. BOBW wrapped up, “Family” aired the following week, and then it was more or less business as usual for the Enterprise.

Can’t do boxed mac anymore, but I would totally destroy a couple of dogs with a big cup of coffee!

Does anybody think there will be a market for the stretch goal stuff? I only want the books and have zero interest in the posters, prints, pins, etc.

I will always remember him as Elmer on The Others.

Rest in peace, you certainly earned it.

Cartoon Lifeline’s dad was revealed to be a minister in the episode “Second Hand Emotions”.

The trend over the past couple of decades among fans/collectors seems to be disavowing the elements that are not strictly military. I personally don’t agree with that view since I feel there’s a lot of fun (and sometimes goofy) stuff that gets ignored as a result.

Not my favourite iteration of GI Joe, but I would easily watch this before watching the DiC series again.

It is indeed a bootleg release but it’s a good release. I bought it to reduce the wear and tear of my DVDs from the Ceasar head set. This release also came with the cartoon series. Both series look like they were taken from the DVD sets.

This is just delightful. Thank you for sharing it.

In case you haven’t received an answer to this, the film is called Am I Normal? and is easily found on the YouTubes. The rest of the film is pretty bonkers too.

Struggled with weight all my life. Earlier this year, depression weight took me to the 300-pound mark (not the first time it happened). I was embarrassed and ashamed, especially after hitting the 50-year mark.

It was time for a drastic change. I now do at least something every day, usually fast walking (running killed my knees years ago) or weight training. This past weekend, it was helping an elderly friend move house.

Hoping this bout of personal responsibility hangs around a bit.

I did but wavering on whether or not to cancel. Do I really need another Optimus Prime?