What Items are NOT in the Yearbook?NOOB HELP

I do not know if this has been answered previously, but I couldn’t find a post with the specific question so hopefully it isn’t a repeat.

I know there are plenty of premium items NOT in the yearbook (for example, I believe two of the current 4th of July promo items are not in the yearbook).

What I was curious about if there is a comprehensive list of which items are vs are not available in the yearbook? Or just a list of what is not in the yearbook?

I know there are lists of which items should take priority, but I have not seen a list of every item in the yearbook or items not included currently. I was just trying to plan out how I want to spend some donuts and wanted to be smart about it!

Thank you all in advance!! :)

I agree with you for sure, but don’t they get better in later seasons? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like I’m hearing less about financial issues (ex: no mentions of late rent, not being able to afford necessities, etc?). I could totally be mistaken!

My only defense for Linda is the espresso machine was definitely bad for Tina. In the long run, it was probably a good thing to get rid of it.

I do think she shouldn’t have been so sneaky especially with how expensive the machine was and what a rip-off the camp is, but def had to jump in to play devil’s advocate considering Tina drank that NASTY coffee at the end of the episode 😂

I know I’m about half a year late to the conversation, but seriously this as a print would be a dream.

Ooo and maybe other cute timelines/ scenes that may have been discussed in the show but not seen visually.

(If time allows ofc bc I am SURE this took a good bit of time considering the amazing attention to detail… seriously this fan-art almost made me cry I love it)

I wish I could draw! The amount of scenes I’d love to see, but I am just not creative enough 😂

Edit to add: I just learned using “*” makes things become bold… no attitude intended haha my bad 😂😂

I wish it wouldn’t be uh… frowned upon? to do the shrimp balloons in real life

I sat “frowned upon” bc who knows if the grocery store would be amused enough to not press charges or something 😂

It’s easier to find who you’re looking for when they decide to run away from you that’s for sure 😂

It’s hard to decorate depending on console too. I struggle to even see my switch screen sometimes, so I really can’t focus too hard on trying to decorate.

Yeah I could hook it up to a bigger screen, but I’m not great at being accurate with my joy cons either. I don’t want to struggle seeing the screen, moving the objects, etc. I just want to enjoy myself!

That being said, those who enjoy decorating do an incredible job!! I like to see how different people customize their valleys; it’s definitely a skill!

Overall, it is too stressful and not worth it for me as a player. I just vibe, do some minor rearrangements and decor here and there, and just play however I feel at the time 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s what games are for… fun!

I agree, we should be a judgement-free-zone and respect everyone’s respective play-styles! It’s all good fun at the end of the day :)

Edit to add: if I could play with mouse and keyboard I may try to decorate a bit more bc that’s what I find to be easiest for me, but I lean towards comfort over anything else.

I find the people who tease you the most for enjoying games such as the Sims have their own “guilty pleasure” games and are embarrassed about them.

I will never be ashamed about my love for the Sims. It’s just such a versatile game with a large community of long term players.

If it brings you happiness (and doesn’t hurt anyone/ anything, which the sims obviously does not) you should not let anyone tear you down or make you feel bad about it. Enjoy what brings you joy!! Just a bonus it’s a fantastic game 😉

I think Tammy blamed a fart on someone else once and Zeke commented whoever let one rip needed to see a doctor… wonder if Tammy ever has 😂 especially knowing about her night farts

Thank you so much!! We really appreciate your help and advice!

It’s been 24 hours since we administered his topical de-wormer and he seems to be all clear now! We think of them came out in that initial first batch we noticed. We’re just glad we got him taken care of :)

Thank you again 💛😄

That makes sense. That’s what we were suspicious of. The vet appointment is Tuesday so we unfortunately have to wait.

We are looking into a mesh cat playhouse kind of thing for him to stay in while we aren’t home.

If you have any other suggestions we would love to hear them!!

Thank you so much!!

SAME!! And my brain conveniently forgot what a dime looks like 😂

Agreed! The best things come to you when you (1) least expect them and (2) aren’t looking for them.

I didn’t want to date anyone when I started talking to my now partner, but here we are almost 2 years later and I’ve never been happier!

My advice? Don’t rush it and learn to be content being alone.

I had to take some time to learn that I can be happy by myself and not reliant on a partner. **I am NOT assuming you are the same way, just explaining what I did. It’s not worth your energy to go on dates with crappy people or settle for a less than decent partner! You deserve the best person for you :)

Idk why but I like naming an animal the name of a different animal I had a rubber snake once and named it “Wolfe” so not quite an animal name but sounds like one 😂 Maybe “Bear” or something haha

I love the suggestion “Seymore” that’s such a cute name for an ADORABLE kitty!

Also where did you get the bed it’s so cute!!

Edit to add: I saw a suggestion for “Banjo” which may be the my new winner! Or you could name him after the little green aliens from Toy Story to match the bed and cuteness of the kitty? They’re just called “Little Green Men” so idk how that work 😂😂

While I have not been through this situation, I have been through a period unexplainable pain and no diagnosis. I learned pretty quickly that when you feel like something is not right, you should advocate for yourself and get it checked out. What’s the worst that could happen? You end up finding out there’s no complications, everything else is normal (labs, vitals, etc.), and you get to have peace of mind.

It could be birth control side effects (I have not received the shot, but my IUD had some funky side effects for the first month or so)

Might be post-procedural side effects (the body trying to heal and regulate itself back to normal)

Or it could be your good old cycle coming back with the unfortunate symptom of cramps. If you find these symptoms align with your normal cycle, you are probably fine.

At the end of the day if there’s nothing abnormal happening, getting that peace of mind will alleviate some stress. Mental health can be tied directly to physical health, so I’m sure the fear of the unknown is not helping whatsoever.

If you have a good physician you’ll be just fine, but if you aren’t sure you’ll be taken seriously, document EVERYTHING. Unfortunately there’s a high incidence of women not being taken seriously in the healthcare world, so we have to be our own advocates. It may look like you’re being “paranoid”, but having a tangible story with specifics and timelines will help emphasize the seriousness of the situation.

Make daily logs with details about where the pain is localized, the level of pain, and other pertinent information. Go nuts with it! If you think you’re documenting too many details, go ahead and document some more; the more you have the clearer the diagnosis will (hopefully) become.

Once I started doing this I was taken much more seriously and FINALLY started getting answers and even a diagnosis. Don’t be afraid to be assertive and make specific requests of your physician; they’re there to help you! Well, at least the good ones are.

I am sending all the positive vibes your way!! I hope all goes well and there are no complications 🤍

I wish they did some sort of archive event where “retired” items could be purchased / earned

I know some items do eventually cycle back through but from what I heard it’s hard to tell which items will come back and when. That’s if an item comes back at all.

This is prob a silly question but what the heck is KEM farming? I’ve seen it everywhere and I think I even read the pinned post about it but I still don’t understand. I’m still relatively fresh into the game (lvl 28 almost 29) so it may not be applicable yet, but I’d love to learn about it for the future!!